Sunday, January 28, 2018

sunday night ramblings

nothing much to share today, but i need something to do before i fall asleep... so here goes.

1. i tried out a new grocery store, vons. it’s the same as randall’s in houston or tom thumb in dallas. and i had high hopes. i saw in my sales papers that lunchables were on sale for 88 cents! 💁🏼‍♀️
vons is actually the closest grocery store to my house so i made a special trip for lunchables.
but....of course. they weren’t sold out of 88 cent lunchables. no. that would be terrible luck. no, no, they just don’t SELL LUNCHABLES IN THAT VONS. is this real life?! what kind of town am i living in that grocery stores don’t sell lunchables? AHEM, lunchables that are ADVERTISED as on sale in the sales papers! 😡

2. speaking of groceries, milk here costs like $3.50/gallon. coincidentally about the same price as a gallon of gas. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

3. i still haven’t remembered to bring my reusable bags to the grocery store one time.

randy and i took the kids to the park in our neighborhood yesterday and they LOVED it. they wore themselves out running and climbing. i see many more trips there in the next couple years!

yes, that boy up there is eli. i know it’s hard to recognize him without that fuzz sticking up all over his head 😭 randy took him for his first barbershop visit, and now he looks like a BOY and not my baby! 

today we tried out another church, had a diner breakfast, and cleaned out/organized the garage! if all goes well, this will be the first house we will actually be able to park both cars in! 🙌🏼

also... sorry, not sorry, that every picture of my kids they have dirty faces. 🤷🏼‍♀️ just that season of life. 

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