Sunday, January 21, 2018

sunday, sunday

a LOT has changed in 7 days.

my house is no longer being considered for an episode of hoarders.
don’t get me wrong, it’s still a mess (as am i), but everything is mostly where it should be.
i am hoping to get everything how i want it before we have our next house guests (my parents!) at the end of February... and also so i can get pictures to show y’all!

i have to say, today was the first day since September that actually felt normal for us as a family.
we all woke up under the roof of our own home, we went to church, watched football, and i even cooked dinner 💁🏼‍♀️ we were just all together, and it wasn’t anything special... but it was actually really special at the same time.
it was a good, good day.

my favorite thing that happened today was when we picked eli up from the nursery at church.
we walked in and where was eli? was he playing? no. was his teacher holding him? nope.
picture the smallest couch you’ve ever seen... now picture my kid relaxing across it like he just got home from a long day of work... with a paci in his mouth, and leftover goldfish laying on his pants.
i’m dying just remembering it, and i’m kicking myself so hard for not taking a picture.
randy compared the look to the one and only al bundy. spot on.

anyway. that’s all i’ve got for now. i’ve got to continue my normalcy and finish this episode of black mirror on the couch with randy!

oh! and you’re welcome for these pictures of my perfectly crazy, messy faced kids. 

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