Sunday, January 14, 2018

we made it...

...but it wasn’t easy.

y’all. i’ve officially been awake since 2:30am california time, and it’s creeping up on 11pm. yikes. whatever the word is that means more exhausted than exhausted, i’m that... i’m just too exhausted to think of it.

3.5 hour plane rides are about 2.5 hours more than i can handle. throw in the crankiest threenager, and a baby who can’t hold his bowels, and, well... ugh.
presley was actually pretty well behaved, considering we woke her up at 4:30am. she threw a feeeeww little fits (her bow fell off, she dropped her peanuts, her seat belt was too tight, her brother touched her headphones, etc etc.), but ended up falling asleep for a good 45 min.
eli... well let me just start with a reminder that his eyes were swollen and full of nasty green oozy fluid. and he is hardly able to breathe through his nose, for like the 3rd straight MONTH. but in true Eli fashion, he was the happiest baby you’d ever seen ( even through the 3 poops, 2 of which exploded all over him AND  my sister (TWO! she got bombed twice!... bless her.)). he was a complete wiggle worm then entire trip, but somehow we kept him occupied.
after we made it off the plane, we waited on the world’s longest shuttle (congrats, budget rental car, for that terrible accolade), and finally got our four pieces of luggage, giant double stroller, two huge car seats, diaper bag, purses, and babies outta there.
our two hour drive to bakersfield was nice... driving through the mountains just puts me in awe. God, y’all. he made those!
anyway, we made it to our new home and walking in felt like i was on an episode of hoarders. you see, when the movers unpack for us, they just unpack. they don’t put away. they unpack to whatever surface is near... whether it be the floor, table, counter, or whatever. so basically everything we own is sitting on a surface somewhere in this house. just imagine everything single item in your kitchen... every fork, bowl, cereal box, spice, straw, pot, cake pan, toothpick, dishwasher pod, trash bag, every. single. item. sitting on your kitchen counters, island, table, window sill, floor. and then think about every other room and all of those items. oh and also! sometimes(a lot of times) those items are not even in the correct room.... think highchair legs(not the rest, just the legs) in Presley’s room, or christmas wrapping paper in Eli’s room. what’s the word for beyond overwhelmed? yeah, i’m that. times infinity.
but my sister is here! and i mostly wanted to write this update to let the world know that today would have been impossible without her. really really impossible. she saved me. and my kids. and i would be a mess without her. except i’m already a mess. but i’d probably be in the fetal position rocking back and forth somewhere in LAX airport if it wasn’t for her. she is THE best.

that’s all i can manage tonight.  please keep praying for us... because Lord knows we need it.
feels good to be back under the same roof with my husband and our babies tonight, all together, at last.

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