Tuesday, January 23, 2018

when you realize you aren’t in texas anymore.

i know i would hit me eventually... but i didn’t know when or where.

i found a walmart neighborhood market about 5 minutes from my house, and i decided to take the kids for a little grocery shopping. all went well, until it comes time to checkout and i forgot my reusable bags... again. now, you might think this might be the “a-ha moment”, when it really hit me that i wasn’t in texas anymore... but i do recall a time when we were living in dallas that they decided to give the ol “charge-ten-cents-for-every-plastic-grocery-bag-you-use” law a try. if i remember right, it didn’t stick, but that’s beside the point. i only had 2 bags full of groceries, so 20¢ ain’t no thang.

anyway, after grocery shopping with my two perfect and well behaved children, momma needed a coke zero (my only vice. ok, maybe not my only vice. but, BY FAR, my biggest.), so off to sonic we went. and since it was lunchtime, i thought i’d go ahead and grab that, too. and y’all, that’s when it happened. i really wasn’t feeling anything on the menu at this point (*side note- why did they take frito pies away?! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ), but  i just went with the #11 chicken strip dinner because it’s never let me down, and also, that single onion ring just gets me every time.

so the girl brings out my order and asks if i want sauce... “ketchup, please!”
“that’s the only sauce i didn’t bring out, let me go grab you some!”

ok, that’s fishy. but whatever. ketchup is like condiment #1 as far as i’m concerned, maybe californians aren’t as into it. i’ll let it slide. (and no, this isn’t the moment either.)

so then i realize presley’s drink is wrong, and also i need some gravy for my tenders.
“also, this was supposed to be a lemonade, and can i please get some gravy?”


and then... the words that keep ringing in my ears....
“gravy?! we don’t have gravy, lady. they took that off the menu a long time ago!”

i was honestly at a loss for words.
“what?? no gravy? that’s crazy! i’m from texas, we always have gravy! lots of gravy! i just moved here and i didn’t realize... oh wow. ok...”

then she laughed and started to walk away. and then she whipped back around and said, “what made you want to move HERE?” with the nastiest look on her face.

in that moment i just felt lik screaming, “i know right?! this place doesn’t even have GRAVY for goodness sake!”

but i didn’t. i just laughed. and died a little on the inside.
and then i had to eat my sweet little tenders with ketchup. which is fine. it’s all fine. good. great. totally fine. #imisstexas

oh, and also...

never in my life did i think i’d be able to see mountains from my kitchen window! #definitelynotintexasanymore

these were taken in my neighborhood ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

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