Monday, February 5, 2018

super bowl sunday and regular monday.

over here in the pacific time zone, the game started at 3:30 (stupid!)... so, surprise! i didn’t watch it. i was too busy cooking, feeding the kids, and cleaning up the aftermath in my kitchen. i did, however, lean my head in that direction to see JT perform. i was really hoping for an *nsync reunion, so imagine my disappointment. 

forget what i said about the super bowl starting at 3. i changed my mind(and i’ll give bakersfield it’s point back). because i was in bed at 8! i know who won, for the record i was pulling for the eagles, and i was IN BED, face washed, and tylenol pm’d at EIGHT. i would have watched This Is Us with the rest of the world, but Directv Now doesn’t have local channels in bakersfield ( MINUS 1, bakersfield). 

randy had to go to houston for a short 1 night trip today. cue me freaking OUT. i hate hate hate hate staying in the house without him. i have freaked myself out so bad by watching neighborhood activity in my ring doorbell app. i’m so glad the only person who reads this blog is my sister, so no one here locally knows i’m in the house alone (with my kids!). 😂

so here i am, watching This Is Us in bed, with a box of vanilla joe-joe’s to console me. because somehow i forgot to eat dinner and this was all that i could find in the panch (what presley calls the pantry). i really love this show, even though it shatters my heart every. single. episode. it’s like the creators are sadists or something. idk. but besides the obvious that jack is everyone’s favorite character, my runner up is definitely randall’s wife, beth. i think i can relate because we are both married to a randall, but i also love her witty comebacks and side-eyes. same, girl. same. 

oh, also. mom of the year, over here. i put eli down for bed tonight and left the light on in his room. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. i felt terrible when i looked at the monitor... an hour later. 🤦🏼‍♀️ but he was so tired that he passed out somehow. i did get to see his sweet sleeping face, which might be my favorite thing. 

true story... i sometimes sneak in and take pictures of them when they’re sleeping. it’s like, no matter how crazy they made me during the day, seeing them calm and peaceful just makes all those crazy moments disappear. i forget ‘em all. 

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