Thursday, February 15, 2018

valentine’s day 2018

another valentine’s day has come and gone.
not a holiday that’s terribly important in our house, but i like that it’s an occasion for randy to spoil his princess presley. he has gotten her a disney princess movie each year since she was 1 and that’s a fun little tradition. i hope this will eventually turn into a daddy/daughter date night as she gets older. i pray she will see how her dad treats and respects her and ME, and will find a godly husband one day that treats her like the angel she is! and i pray that her brother will emulate his daddy’s behavior and become a godly, loving, and loyal husband.

we started the day with pink pancakes... eli ate at least 12 (silver dollar sized). presley wasn’t far behind. girl LOVES her some syrup. after that we had an incident which you probably don’t want to hear about, but for the sake of preserving memories, here is the shortened version. presley had to potty (#2) and eli follows her wherever she goes. next thing i know presley is calling out to me “eli got poopoo on the toilet.” sparing lots of details here, i’ll let your imagination lead you... but baths immediately followed.

after baths we took a trip to target and took daddy a treat to work. side note-the kids and i got randy socks with our faces on them for valentine’s! he’s known for his loud socks, so this was the perfect gift, in my humble opinion.

we ended the night with daddy bringing home balloons for the kids and hamburgers for mom. win!
we also facetimed gigi & pepaw, and grammy & papal.

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