Saturday, March 17, 2018

coming to you live from the capitol of california... sacramento!
honestly, my favorite thing about this trip is the way presley says sacramento. it’s pretty cute.
it’s actually our first ever family road trip... just us 4. and honestly i didn’t really think this through, but that’s pretty much par for the course with my life these days. we are here because randy has a work thing monday night-wednesday afternoon.
the 4 hour road trip was, surprisingly, not at all bad. presley watched/played with her ipad, and eli cat-napped and said “dada” the rest of the time. i’m not at all bitter that he’s a complete daddy’s boy. 😐
so, currently, i am laying in bed with the world’s wiggliest 3 1/2 year old. it’s past her bedtime, but randy is watching UH play basketball on tv. we are staying in a suite, so eli is sleeping peacefully in the “living room” and i’m sharing a double bed with this monster while randy stretches out in his own double bed... alone 🙄
she just said “do you have a belly button?” i said, “yes.”
she said “i loooove belly buttons.” 😂
she’s nuts.
and i just realized i have to do this again tomorrow night. and the next two nights after that, except those nights we will be in a different hotel that IS NOT a suite so eli will be right up in this mix, too.
see what i mean when i say i didn’t think this through?
also, tuesday, randy will be gone literally the whole day. i will be alone. in a sacramento hotel. with two children. 😐 also? the weather is supposed to be bad.
but i’ll try my best to enjoy these next few days and not worry about how overwhelming this is. i doubt presley will remember this trip, but if she does, i want her to remember good times.
tomorrow, despite it being rainy and chilly, we are going to venture over to “old town sacramento”. apparently they have some shops and stuff to explore. fingers crossed we get some good rest tonight. ha.

oh, and go coogs!

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