Sunday, March 18, 2018

day 2 in sacramento is coming to an end... but i’ll start by telling you how the rest of last night went.
our next door neighbors just happened to be like 6-8 seven-ish year olds that had to have been unsupervised. they were screaming and squealing and jumping on the beds until after midnight.
presley finally fell asleep after randy turned the tv off (coogs lost 😕). she was all over the place last night. she would lay her head across my neck. somehow she’d pin my arms in weird positions and they’d completely go numb. i got up at 2 to make sure eli was doing ok (not having a baby monitor makes me paranoid), and also i turned the AC all the way down because of the smothering 3 year old. when i got back in bed she opened her eyes and smiled at me. it was so sweet and also i was terrified that she was awake for good. but she wasn’t. she just cuddled closer.
between sleeping with presley and the bratty kids next door, i got a terrible nights sleep. and i’m pretty sure they should use that combination as a torture device in the CIA or wherever.

when we all got up this morning we went downstairs to hotel breakfast. it left much to be desired, but it was free, so 🤷🏼‍♀️. it was also packed. and pretty overwhelming. after breakfast we came back to the room and eli napped... and the rest of us rested.
after nap, we got up and headed out to “old sacramento”. first, late lunch at joe’s crab shack. i know what you’re thinking, and yes, it was just as mediocre as it was 15 years ago. but, slim pickins.
so after lunch we went walking around the cute streets and loaded up on sugar.
first, my man bought me some.... DOLE WHIP. ahhhh!! what an unexpected surprise. it was perfect.
then we went to a few candy shops, toy stores... and then my man bought me... ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHOCOLATE FACTORY. chocolate apples are pretty much my favorite treat of all time. i saved it to eat later. then we found the cutest mini donut shop. they were SO DELICIOUS and i think that was presleys favorite part of the whole day. eli loved them, too! old sacramento is such a cute little area, and i’m really glad we went.

when we got back to the hotel it was late and eli looked like he was about to fall asleep in the stroller. so we came back to the room, gave the kids a bath, and put eli down.
i just ate my apple for dinner, and randy had candy 😂 being an adult isn’t so bad.

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