Thursday, March 1, 2018

i'm so saaaaaad.

my parents have come and gone in what was the shortest 6 days of my life.

they came in last thursday, and we took them to our fave sushi/asian restaurant that night. the babies were SO happy to see them, and Eli quickly went back to being "grammy's boy." 

friday we had breakfast at 24th street cafe, which was on DDD! it was THE best breakfast, and Guy Fieri really knows what's up. we will definitely be taking all our of out of town guests here, so if that doesn't make you want to come visit, then just stay home. 💁🏼‍♀️ that night, we went to Buck Owen's Crystal Palace. we've been wanting to go check this place out since we found out we were moving here, and this was the perfect time. it is such a neat place, with tons and tons of memorobilia that will take several visits to see it all. we didn't stay for the live music, which just happened to be Buck's son, because, kids. but the food was decent, the atmosphere was incredible, and we will be taking all of our out of town guests here. 😂

the weather was such a bummer, it was COLD. and also, WE ALL HAVE COLDS. but even so, we had the best time with grammy and papal. there were lots of special memories made, and we couldn't miss them more. papal took presley riding her bike up and down the street a couple times, and grammy got to do bath time a few times. 

we went to one more DDD restaurant, Moo Creamery, on monday night. randy and i had been before, for breakfast, but had been looking forward to dinner. i am going to go on record saying that i ate the best hamburger in my entire life there, and we will be taking all our out of town guests here. 😂

i actually cried when they left yesterday. but i waited until after they walked out the door, because my mom had just told me that she was "proud of how strong i was". #blewit 🙈

after they left, my kids both had doctor's appointments. they were just well visits (even with colds) because it was our first time seeing someone here in bakersfield. they both had to have finger pricks. presley didn't really understand what was happening until it happened and she had the most epic meltdown that i kinda wish i could have got on camera, but i felt like the doctor probably would have judged me, and wrote it up in her chart. you would have thought they cut her whole finger tip off by the sounds of the wails coming from her mouth. bless her heart. eli didn't even flinch. not a blink. not a tear. meanwhile, presley was still crying for about 20 minutes following the prick. everytime they squeezed her finger to get more blood out, she turned it up another notch. randy and i were laughing like the great parents we are. the nurse offered her a lollipop and she cut the tears and plain as day said, "green" and went back to wailing. back to reality!

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