Wednesday, March 14, 2018

it’s 1:22pm and i’m laying in bed with a terrible headache, but appreciating the quiet because BOTH OF MY KIDS ARE NAPPING. at the same time. again. that’s twice in as many weeks. i’m pretty sure it’s only because i wore us all out this morning, but i’ll take what i can get.

and guess what? it’s RAINING. again. and you may or may not know this about me, but i LOVE the rain. i don’t love to be out of my house when it’s raining, but i love the darkness and the sound and it’s just all very soothing. i do NOT like major storms or flooding, or hurricanes. or hail. or tornadoes. tornadoes are one of my top fears. but rain, i love.

so i’m laying in bed trying to get rid of this headache. i would watch last nights “this is us”, but i don’t want to cry and make my headache worse. so here i am. but i’ve got some “presleyisms” to share so this won’t be very boring.

so this morning we had to go get the rest of eli’s shots from his 15 month checkup. the kids have been sleeping in until 8:30 or 9 since we “sprang forward” on sunday, and i’m not even mad about it. but his appointment was at 9:30, so i got us all up and dressed and we went straight to the dr. i promised presley we could go get pancakes afterwards if she promised to make good choices while we were at the dr. so after the dr, we went to ihop. there was a long wait but presley entertained us (myself, eli, and the rest of the patrons) by dancing to shania twain that was playing in the restaurant.
a group of three men came in, and they were all wearing blue jeans and t shirts and work boots. presley turns to me and says “those guys are probably hungry from building a house all day. they are probably going to rest and eat because they are really tired and really hungry from building a house. right?.” πŸ˜‚ sure, sister.
panic struck me when presley gulped down her entire apple juice in 2 minutes. the thought of taking BOTH kids into the bathroom at ihop at the same time, while holding eli and making sure he didn’t touch anything and helping presley get on the potty and not fall in, was a total nightmare. whyyyy had i not thought of this very probable situation before i decided to take both kids to a restaurant alone????!!! i hated myself in that moment. but, our waitress was so terrible that none of us got refills, so presley never even had the urge to potty. PRAISE GOD. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ but why (WHY?😩) are kids apple juices $2.75? i should have gotten 8 refills for that price. have mercy.

annnnyway. when we got back in the car i was strapping eli in and presley asked what the mirror in the backseat was for. it was actually not a legit question for me, because she immediately answered herself and said “it’s just for making funny faces!”. spoiler alert, it’s actually so i can see eli from the front seat, but since it’s presleys world and we all just live in it, it hasn’t actually served it’s purpose because she thinks it belongs to her and i put it there specifically for her to make funny faces. so it’s never in the right position for me to see him. sorry brother bear.

after a quick trip to walmart, we came home and i told presley to go potty and get in bed. i changed eli and was putting him down when i heard her flushing the toilet handle over and over and over.
i told her to stop and she started fussing “it won’t go down!”. i told her i’d deal with it later, she had just put too much TP in there. she immediately corrected me and said “NO, mom. i think it just needs new batteries”. well alright.

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