Tuesday, March 13, 2018

randy said earrings are for girls, but presley quickly corrected him and said earrings are for girls AND boys. so this is for all the girls and boys, i suppose!
have you ever caught the “magicbax” infomercial? if not, your tv is probably not permanently tuned to hallmark like mine 🤷🏼‍♀️ but if you have caught it, were you as intrigued as i? i immediately went to the website and put some in my cart — buy one pair, get one free! except one pair was $19.95 PLUS shipping. uhhh. no. you marketed to the wrong girl, magicbax. i rarely spend $20 on any ONE thing, let alone a dang earring back that no one will even notice how magical it is besides me. 
so i did what i always do in a situation like this... a situation i find myself in often... finding something frivolous i want for myself or the kids, but not willing to pay the price.
i went on ebay and found the exact same product in china/hongkong/wherever for a whopping $3.18 with FREE SHIPPING. sure, it took 84 days (or 3 weeks, but it felt like a lifetime as it always does), but they came in (2 pair! a silver and gold) and they are indeed magical. my droopy little ear holes have been redeemed and every pair of post earrings will forever look fresh in place from now on. boom. 

another thing i’ve been quite impressed with is the new soft pretzel twists from sonic. 
it’s a perfect companion for my beloved “large coke zero with extra ice”. honestly i was still reeling from the whole “no gravy” sitch, but this pretzel may have made it a tad better. 
and from the (self-appointed) “official president of the fake nacho cheese fan club”... DO NOT EAT THE CHEESE SAUCE THAT COMES WITH PRETZEL. you’re welcome. but maybe try it with marinara instead 🤔

i realize these two bits of info have zero to do with living in california, but i do not even care. goodbye. 

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