Wednesday, March 28, 2018

since so many of you are calling me up/texting me up like “where da blog at?”, i’m back!

just kidding about “so many of you”... it was just my mom and sister buggin me, my 2 readers 😂

anyway, the rest of sacramento was awesome. we hit up the zoo, fairytale land, and, my personal fave, the jelly belly factory. the kids loved fairtytale land—it was lots of slides, playgrounds and structures to climb on and lots of running around. the zoo was small, but they had a carousel, so presley loved it.
now let’s talk jelly belly factory, or the mothership, as i affectionately call it. it was awesome. you get to see how they’re made, packaged, etc. and then there is a whole store with every flavor and free samples! i asked presley as we were leaving “did you have so much fun?!” and she (as a matter-of-fact-ly) said, “no. i asked brother and he said no. you’re the only one.” well, ok then. i’ll just go by myself next time 😂😂

my sister and my sweet niece bryleigh came to visit the day after we got home and were here for approximately 5 seconds before leaving me again 😩... ok, it was actually 4 days, but i had it in my mind they were staying 5, and so my heart broke when it wasn’t. ugh. i need to pay better attention.
but having them here was the best! bryleigh is, by far, presleys favorite person on earth. like, way above me, even. she’s obsessed and follows her around like a puppy dog and mirrors every single thing she says or does. i’m lucky that bryleigh is such a sweet angel, otherwise i’d be in trouble.
while they were here we took easter bunny pics—i’ll share those once everyone gets their copy in the mail... don’t want to spoil it. it’s a framer! HA. we also took a quick trip to tehachapi. i’m obsessed. we didn’t stay too long because it was frigid. and windy. so we just had lunch, visited THE cutest toy store ever (shout-out to darlene’s real swell toys!), and took in the GORGEOUS scenery. seriously. the mountains. ugh. God is awesome. we also hit up the outlets about 30 miles away. we’ve been wanting to visit, and i knew sister would be so down. it was nice, but the fact that there are mountains surrounding it makes it the coolest outlets i’ve ever been to. these mountains, man. can’t get enough of them. i wonder if i’ll ever get tired of them... but i’m guessing no.

and, no. i don’t climb mountains. that sounds flat out terrible. i don’t particularly love heights and/or physical activity. why would you ruin their beauty by getting so close? you know?
i just like to look at their majesty from afar. or by car. is being “indoorsy” a thing? yeah, just put me in that category.

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