Monday, April 2, 2018

it’s 8:30 and everyone (except me) in my house has been asleep for an hour. yes, even randy.
presley’s nose started running yesterday, and this morning eli woke up snotty too.
and then randy comes home from work... with the man cold. lord help us all.

so, i’ll probably have it by the end of the week. you know, just in time for the weekend. (but what are weekends, again? california has put me on team “no days off”... sigh. i miss you mom πŸ˜‚)


anyway. did anyone watch roseanne?! i’ve been so excited about it since i heard it was coming back. i used to watch reruns all the time back in high school. idk why, but i’m weirdly drawn to sitcoms about middle class surburban families. for instance, the middle is probably my favorite tv show. i watch it nearly everyday on hallmark (duh.) but back to roseanne. randy kept saying that he “couldn’t believe i was going to watch that garbage”, and that “roseanne has never been funny”, and he was “definitely NOT gonna watch it.” and then last wednesday he asked if i watched the new roseanne. of course i had forgotten, because “i’m losing my mind!”. but then he said, “it has great reviews. it did so good and”... blahblahblah. so i was like, “are you saying you want to watch it with me?” and he was all “idk maybe.” and then we watched it that night before bed and he laughed out loud like, 84 times. i kept having to explain things to him that he wouldn’t have known if he didn’t watch the old one, but other than that... HE LOVED IT. so, that was a fun thing.

does anyone else’s husbands read reviews for everything? no? just mine?
he is a planner, there’s no doubt about it. and he WILL NOT be wasting his time/money/appetite on a tv show/movie/restaurant/golf course/anything on amazon, if there are less than 4 stars or 90% on rotten tomatoes. i can’t tell you how many movies i’ve longed(πŸ˜‚) to see, but my hopes were dashed because some losers over at rotten tomatoes gave it a 43.

i’ll leave you tonight with a couple “presleyisms”
we were in the car and we were trying to keep eli awake so we could come home and nap and i was telling presley to talk to him. she said she didn’t know what to talk to him about πŸ™„, so i was telling her things to say... like, “you’re the best brother ever”, and “i love you brother bear!”, and then finally, “you’re so stinkin cute!”—so she tells him. then she says “mommy, is it because he tooted?”

also, last week we went to tour two preschools for presley for next year. after leaving the second one, i asked her which she liked better. she said “i really loved the first pretty school better”. so, from
now on, we are only going to call it “pretty school” because why would i ever correct that?! πŸ˜πŸ˜‚

shes always talking, always asking questions that she already knows how she wants answered. in the car they sometimes go like this... “mommy can we go to the car wash?” and i’ll say, “maybe tomorrow baby.” and she’ll say “today tomorrow?” whatever that means. and i’ll say “tomorrow tomorrow.” and at this point i’ve started to tune her out a bit and she’ll keep talking about who knows what and she says, “ok mommy?” and i’ll just say “yeah baby.” and then it happens. my high school grammar teacher comes out of her mouth and she  YELLS at me— “DONT SAY YEAH, SAY YES.”
and this happens like at least 8 times a day, and that is definitely not an exaggeration. i’m not kidding. i get chastised for saying “yeah” by a 3 year old. daily.

and i feel bad not mentioning brother bear and his shenanigans. he’s not much of a talker yet, but i swear he mimics something new everyday. a couple months ago, everything and anything you asked or told him, he would shake his head no. it was hilarious. “eli is daddy your favorite?” ::shakes his head no:: YESSSS I KNEW IT! (a total lie. he is daddy’s biggest fan). but now he knows how to shake his head yes and it’s my favorite thing. he puts his eyebrows up and his head up at the same time very dramatically and brings them down slowly. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ he is all boy. his favorite place to be is outside, his favorite toys are ALL BALLS, and his favorite thing to do to drive me crazy is get in the trash can 🀒. he pulls things out, and puts things in (some trash, mostly NOT trash.). i have to inspect the top layer every time i open it to make sure there aren’t any toys or keys or wallets in there.
even though he’s a total daddy’s boy, he’s still my baby and only wants me when he’s tired or not feeling well.

i have the best babies ever, and even with a “man cold” my husband is pretty great too 😜, and sometimes i can’t believe this life is mine. i was looking at our selfie from yesterday and thinking “how did this all happen... been together for 9 years, have TWO kids, and in california?” it’s been a whirlwind, but i love it and i wouldn’t change a thing. i am SO BLESSED.

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