Friday, April 6, 2018

oh hey. just checking in on this wild and crazy friday night. and by wild and crazy i mean both kids are already asleep and i’m in my pajamas in bed ready to watch netflix. at 7:30. i am actually just living the dream over here! and no, that’s not sarcasm... i am definitely majorly introverted so this is basically recharging my batteries from all the social situations i’ve had today.

it was actually a MAJOR social situation and it majorly wore me out. im talking ‘bout the dmv.
i finally went and got me a cal-i-for-ni-ayyy drivers license. and california license plates. and i’m actually really sad about it, mostly because i feel like i’m cheating on texas, but also because my texas drivers license picture was from 2011 right after i got married and i was all tan and skinny and cute. today, i was all sweaty and pale and... fluffy. ugh. oh and they  majorly zoom in on your face so i’m actually really dreading what this picture is going to look like šŸ˜© and also, WHY ON EARTH do they put your weight on your license here?!?!? that is rude, and unnecessary.
they did make me take a written exam... i made a perfect score šŸ’šŸ¼‍♀️ duh.

all this driving talk got me thinking about some big news i forgot to share... the other day, for the first time in my life, i PARALLEL PARKED. šŸŽ‰ šŸŽ‰ šŸŽ‰
i was so proud of myself. it was such a tense situation because i had never done it, and it was literally the only spot to park for a doctor appointment that was in 5 minutes. so i just had to go for it. and i did it. i give all the glory to God, of course. and my backup camera did alright too.

this week has been exhausting. eli is still extra snotty and presley is just... three and crazy.
we went to walmart a couple days ago and we were walking down an aisle and presley SHOUTS, “look at that BIG LADY!”... twice. i actually died for a second. THANK GOODNESS the lady(the only other person on the aisle with us)  didn’t turn around. i honestly hope that she didn’t even hear presley (but her volume is always turned up to 11, so...šŸ™ˆ). i immediately put my finger up to my mouth to shush her and quickly ran the other way while reminding presley we can’t talk like that.
motherhood, y’all. it’s a blast.

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