Tuesday, May 8, 2018

feliz ocho de mayo! —what a holiday! we are celebrating by doing mountains of laundry in our jammies, while gumby plays on every tv in the background. i mean, talk about wild and crazy. i might even make the kids quesadillas for lunch! πŸ’ƒπŸΌ

if you can believe it, we celebrated cinco de mayo a liiiittle better. πŸ˜‚
our neighborhood had a party at the clubhouse with free tacos, ice cream, and piΓ±atas! the kids loved it, and randy and i loved the taco meat (team low-carb going strong).

then came post-party naps, followed by a visit to the splash pad. randy was thinking about getting in the pool, but his swim trunks are all way to big and falling off him so he couldn’t. πŸ™„ must be nice. 
the kids are starting swim lessons next week, so i have a feeling our whole summer is going to be spent in and around the pool. i really love our neighborhood, and the amenities! this saturday our neighborhood is putting on a “mommy and me” cookie decorating class, so presley and i are going! team low-carb might not be fairing so well after that πŸ˜‚

both the kids are really just growing so fast lately. it’s such a bittersweet thing. 
every few months i’ll go through their clothes and toys and pack away things they have outgrown  to keep or donate and i try to explain that the things we donate are going to other kids who don’t have those things. 
presley accepted that explanation and sometimes she’ll even tell me things she wants to give to “other kids”. most recently she told me, “i want eli to go to a new home. i don’t want him anymore.”
well, unfortunately he didn’t fit in the box, so we are keeping him this time.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

eli has started talking more and more, and doing the silliest things. 
every smelly diaper change, i usually tell him “pyuuu weee!”... well today i started changing his stinky hiney and before i could get the diaper off he says “puuuweeee! puuuweee!”. he’s a mess! 
he is such an angel baby. his only real fault is that his still loves his dad more than me. πŸ˜‚

one last thing before i go... and this is just a general statement (but someone i live with, who also drives, is very guilty of this as well... not gonna name names.), so here goes. 
when you are in a drive-thru, you should be proactive in your situation. sometimes it’s unavoidable, but try to have your order ready, always have your payment ready, but most importantly, PAY ATTENTION. when cars in front of you pull up, you pull up. quit playing on your phone, you’re causing a back up. ok, done. 

also, don’t forget to return your carts back at the grocery store. 

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