Thursday, May 17, 2018

so, i'm seriously thinking about giving instagram the ax. i dropped facebook like a hot potato back in october, and i never looked back... social media is a bad habit, and a time-suck, and personally, i'm over it. i'm really trying to be more present day-to-day with my kids.
a few days ago presley asked me to do something, and i told her, "just a second!" while i was doing who-knows-what on my phone. she didn't get mad, or sad, or anything. she just said, "ok mom, after you finish looking at your phone?" about knife in my heart. i don't ever want to put whatever is on my phone before my kids or my husband or anyone in my life. getting rid of social media apps will definitely help that.
i'm keeping my solitaire game, though. and probably words with friends (i only ever play with my mom and aunt cathy cause everyone else cheats.). but those are good for my brain.

anyway, all this to say, i'll probably end up dumping my pictures here, instead.
this little slice of the internet that i invited my whole christmas card list to. i immediately regretted it, but i'd already paid for printing, so here we are. i'm also thinking of turning on comments, which makes me nervous, but it's mostly so my sister doesn't have to text me her thoughts on my latest post. ha.


  1. I can't believe you had your Christmas cards made in May, or maybe I can! Lol! P.S. You will not be getting a Christmas card from me because we haven't taken pictures and/or ordered cards and it's December 5th! Love you and thank you for sharing your blog! I just love it and I laugh out loud often! Miss you!
