Sunday, May 27, 2018

sunday morning... and i’m awake before anyone else in my house.
this never happens. usually randy wakes up earliest on sundays and gets in the shower while playing his podcasts at max volume until the rest of us are awake. i’m halfway kidding. but usually i’m the last out of bed on sundays, while he keeps the kids occupied i get ready for church in peace!

on weekdays, he always brings me a coke zero around 6:30 before he leaves for work. don’t get me wrong, i asked him to do this little favor, but i secretly think he likes it. when i was a little girl, my mom and grandma got in the bad (and by bad, i mean really awesome and made me feel like a spoiled princess!) habit of waking me up with a warm washcloth for my tired little eyes. even into high school, my mom was always gentle to wake me, talking in her sweet soft voice (after i told her i couldn’t handle her scolding me that early in the morning for my never-not-messy room), and asking me what i wanted for breakfast. my dad always just yelled from the bottom of the stairs, “you better wake up right now, don’t make me come up there!”. after randy heard these stories he always gave me a hard time and swore he would never baby me with a warm washcloth... but here he is, bringing me an ice cold coke zero every morning šŸ˜‰
presley is a lot like me in the mornings or after sleeping... a little grumpy if woken up on someone else’s terms, and it takes a little while to come alive if we’ve woken up on our own. eli wakes up happy and smiling every. single. time. randy thinks he’s like that too šŸ™„ šŸ˜‚

anyway, so here i sit. had to go get my own coke zero this morning, but that’s ok.

yesterday the weather was AMAZING for being almost june, so we decided to take the kids to a little roadside attraction called murray family farms. it’s about 30 min away, and halfway there i spilled my drink all over myself and we had to turn around and let me change pants. fun! and then it was actually 10 degrees cooler when we got there (almost to the mountains), and everyone else there was wearing sweatshirts and jeans. my kids were in shorts. of course. when the sun came out, it warmed up a tad so we were fine.
this place was SO FUN. to be honest, i wasn’t thrilled about going. it just didn’t sound fun, and i figured it would be crowded since the weather was nice and it was a saturday.... but i was pleasantly surprised! they had so much to do, and we all had the best time.

the kids played, and then we picked TONS of blueberries and strawberries! they have every fruit you can think of, but it was berryfest, so that’s what we picked. eli was in blueberry heaven. he ate more than all of us. at one point i looked over and he was eating blueberries straight from the branch... like mouth to branch instead of picking them off first. šŸ˜‚ randy and i agreed that was the most fun we’ve had in awhile and also the best strawberries we have EVER had in our lives. walking through the different orchards was so neat, and we can’t wait to come back every season for different fruit! i’m pumped for fall... apples! pumpkins! corn maze! also, if any of our out of town guests want to come there, we won’t say no! 

our harvest!


  1. Sounds awesome! Let’s put this on the agenda when me and Cathy are there!

  2. Let’s put this on the agenda for when I have to come for thanksgiving if you don’t come home.
