Thursday, June 28, 2018

back to cali

well after almost a month in houston, we are back to bakersfield!

i am in that really down-and-out phase i get in when i get back from vacations or after holidays or when we have house guests that leave to go back home.
it’s really terrible, and i hope i can snap out of it quickly. i know randy prob hopes so too... he gets the majority of my bad attitude. sorry, love. 😩

it was a fun trip, though! that’s what makes it so hard to be back.
our first event was to see randy’s little sister, mallory, graduate from high school! she is SO smart and beautiful and we are so proud of her! she is going to A&M in the fall.

we also celebrated stephs 37th birthday with a pool day and crawfish! it was fun finally having the whole family together. i got her third day concert tickets, so we had a sister date night to see them! we were both so exhausted, but it was a fun and they were awesome!

we also celebrated father’s day, and gigi’s birthday and i’m hating myself for not taking any pics.

we definitely got LOTS of family time in, which was much needed. and i’m already wishing for more. and for any of my friends reading this... i’m so sorry  we weren’t able to see you! we really needed to focus all our time with family, and i hope you’ll understand!

my most favorite part of the trip was celebrating presleys birthday early with a trip to....

it was the BEST DAY EVER!!! presley got her very first (legit) AG doll, and was able to pick out tons of “accessories” to go along with it! she was spoiled by grammy, gigi, aunt cathy, sassy, and aunt brooke! the AG store is madness, but watching her little face light up was worth every single penny.... and let me tell you, there were more pennies spent than i can even count. 😂 after shopping her heart out, we had birthday lunch at cheesecake factory. it was the perfect way to end our trip.