Monday, July 23, 2018

another post, so soon? who even am i?

well, i have some time on my hands... and my unisom hasn't kicked in yet.

last night we went to a fellowship event at church, called tables of 8. it was a dinner where they randomly drew 8 people to sit together, hence tables of 8. it was a fun way to get to know people we hadn't had the chance to even meet yet, and maybe wouldn't have had an opportunity to speak with otherwise. the kids went to the nursery and had pizza... they loved it and were completely worn out.

speaking of the nursery, yesterday morning when we were picking up the kids from after the morning service, a lady working told me that presley wouldn't drink water. she said she offered to fill presley's cup up with more water but presley told her she wanted juice. the lady told presley they didn't have any juice with which presley replied, "i only drink juice." then she told the lady that they should go buy some juice. OF COURSE she did. what a little mess she is! i told the lady that what presley calls juice is simply water with flavoring squirted in. "i only drink juice." brat.

two of the ladies sitting at our table last night work in the nursery, and they both commented on how well behaved our kids were and they really enjoyed having them in class... that made us feel so good! i pray so hard for God to help me be the mom He wants me to be, and little words like that make me feel like i'm getting something right.

so when my parents and sister come next month, we have plans to go to yosemite for a couple days. now, this probably isn't shocking to anyone else in the united states of america, but apparently california is on fire. yes, i live in california, but no, i didn't know it was on fire until my mom told me last week. look, we don't get local channels (i've covered this before... minus one bakersfield), and i don't read the news. and i'm not on any kind of social media, so current events aren't even on my radar unless randy tells me something, which rarely happens, because we just don't talk much. (it's probably weird to you, but we are both introverted and we need our time alone to recharge after our long days spent with two wild children ((one who never ever ever stops talking)), or working). annnnyway, my dad just texted and it looks like our yosemite trip may be a no-go. apparently the air quality is worse than beijing. bakersfield's air quality is terrible, like, #3 worst air pollution in US...but just for context, our air quality index score is 67 today while yosemite is at 165. YIKES.

i felt really stupid for not knowing that california was on fire when my mom told me, and so i randomly read some news articles that popped up on my phone. ok, depressing. they made me almost physically ill to read. first it was the houston heart doctor that was shot riding his bike. then it was a dad to a 9 month old baby who was shot while waiting for his uber in atlanta. WHAT IS THIS WORLD WE LIVE IN??? it's scary. it's scary that we aren't safe ANYWHERE. it's scary that people have automatic weapons. it's scary that pretty much anyone can get their hands on guns. it's scary that people don't/won't/can't get help and treatment for mental illnesses that are just as deadly as so many other diseases. we need help NOW... and there's only one way to get it. PRAY.

after looking at the depressing news, i immediately googled, "good news articles". well, guess what? there are a bajillion websites dedicated to heart-warming news articles and did you know THAT A BABY WAS BORN IN CHICKFILA?! bless my soul. i cried.

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