Saturday, July 21, 2018

can't believe it's already saturday, again.
this week felt extra long, as does every week that randy isn't off on fridays. but it also flew by somehow.... probably because i had to get out of the house 4 days in a row. i literally went to walmart FOUR DAYS IN A ROW. look, normally walmart is my jam. i love walmart like most people love their significant other... ok, maybe a tad less than that. i love walmart like most young moms love target. (yes, i am considering myself a young in i have young kids. not young in that golden girls is my favorite sitcom) annnyway, walmart is fun. it's got fun finds. i can browse the aisles of walmart for hours. i love that you can buy groceries, clothes, laundry detergent, ant killer, and maybe even a yard of material, in one swoop. but going 4 days in a row... with two kids... one who begs for everything she sees ("i really need that mom, can i have that? for my birthday? for christmas? can i mom?")... and one who poops his pants every 23 minutes... NOT FUN. not even kinda fun. throw in a return (without a receipt, because i somehow lost it in between my checkout and the car), and it's just plain terrible. but we keep running out of necessities, or i forget to put something on my list. or something i(my kids) need (PEELED sliced apples, they INHALE these things.) aren't on the walmart grocery pickup app, even though they are available in the store. ok, rant over. oh, also i do love target too. what can i say, sister loves to shop.

speaking of shopping, poor randy is probably ready to take my wallet away. but in my defense, our sweet baby girl turns FOUR in less than a month, and there is just so much she needs! you only turn four once, dad!
also, prime day happened. it was mostly a fail, but i did get a 23 and me kit... it'll take like 6 weeks for my reports to come in, and i'm waiting on pins and needles! i know NOTHING about where i come from except my grandpa's grandparents (i think? maybe?) were born in poland and migrated, and that my dad was born in the great state of pennsylvania. so this should be fun.

so what else is happening in the teel home?
well, hallmark christmas movies are still in full force(shocking.) until next weekend. and then i only have to wait 3 months before i can watch them for 2.5 solid months. presley will come in and ask "are you watching hallmark channel?" ha. in time she will appreciate them too... even if she's forced into doing so.

randy and i are planning our busy september.... two days at disneyland, two days in napa, and two days in san fran. plus my parents coming to watch my kids for the napa/san fran part, and my aunt cathy coming at the end of september to spend a week with my mom while randy is out of town for a conference! i'd ask for san fran recs, but i can guarantee my readers (mom and sister) have never been.

eli has started saying "thank you, mommy" anytime i do something for him. it's pretty much the sweetest thing ever. it's funny that he already calls me mommy, but that's what presley calls me, so he just picked up on it. he also sometimes yells "MOM!" which he thinks is pretty funny. he also learned how to say walmart, and i make him say it at least 49 times a day. randy keeps putting ghostbusters and ghostbusters 2 on for him. he gets in that gumby-trance and says "WHOA" a lot. i can't wait to see what he will be into! i'm up to my ears in babydolls and dress up, so i'm looking forward to trucks, tractors, trains, monsters, dinosaurs, or whatever he picks!

snuggling with his favorite person ever.

presley is still bossing us all around. she will think of the strangest things to get out of going to bed at night. i recently had to hide her "piggy pink" (piggy bank), because "it was looking at her". she also called to me last night to tell me her bathroom was out of toilet paper... which she just randomly remembered and made me go put in a new roll right that instant... even though she didn't even have to use the potty. oh, and then a few days ago it was "my nails are too shark! mommy i need you to cut my nails they are too shark and they are scratching me!" sister HATES for me to cut her nails, so this one was extremely hilarious to me. a lot of nights it's that she has a bo-bo that needs doctoring... which she then has to find, because there is literally NO bo-bo.

she dressed herself in all black--definitely her mother's daughter!

safe to say, eli has perfected the cheese face!

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