Monday, July 16, 2018

long time, no blog.

we've just been busy getting back into our normal routines over here after being gone for so long.
not gonna lie, the transition was hard (mostly for me). but, i have LOTS of good things on the horizon that keep me truckin.

so, lets see...what have we been doing?

well our neighborhood had a 4th of july get together at the clubhouse...they had ice cream, apple pie, lemonade, and the grandest (ok, maybe not grandest... but DEF the cutest) parade around town.

we took a lap around the clubhouse/pool and the kids loved every sweltering second. since then, presley has been telling me that she is having a parade for her birthday and that aunt sassy is dressing up as a unicorn... she is gonna be a little disappointed. haha!😂

we had THE most boring ACTUAL 4th of july (parade was the saturday before!) in the history of life. it is just entirely too hot here to do anything outside unless you are up to your neck in the middle of a swimming pool. so we just hung out at home, like a typical day.

just in case you thought i might be exaggerating.

i went ahead and deleted instagram... i just had enough, and i haven't looked back. i feel so free! don't laugh, but i honestly think it was God telling me to do it. it wasn't fulfilling, and it's just a big pile of making me feel bad about myself. and then at church the next week, our women's bible study just happens to be about rachel and leah and combating comparison. coincidence? thanks big guy, always looking out for me. 🙏🏼 

speaking of church, we joined the church we have been attending this week! it's smaller than our last few churches, but everyone is so welcoming and friendly. we really feel good there, and i'm looking forward to getting more involved.

hallmark christmas movies have officially taken over the televisions in my house for 2 weeks! pure bliss. randy would beg to differ. he literally just said, "oh, this is the one where the guy's eyes are too close together". i was like HOW IS THAT WHAT YOU REMEMBER FROM THIS MOVIE?, and he said, "how do you forget it?". 🙄 ugh. let me watch my movies in peace. christmas (movies) only come but twice a year!

my children are still crazy and silly and perfect. 
yesterday randy was watching ghostbusters while the kids were playing downstairs, and near the end where marshmallow man comes through downtown, eli yells "woooooahhhhhhhhhhhh!" for like 10 whole seconds. we were laughing so hard! i didn't even realize he was paying attention to the movie.
presley is still three-nager in full force. she'll say stuff like, "i just don't even know about that!", and "i'm so frustrated!". the other night i was talking to her about God's love, and how He will love her no matter what...and also that i will love her no matter what...even if i'm mad or she makes bad choices, there's nothing she could do to make me stop loving her. and she snaps back, "even when you say i'm driving you nuts?". she's like a sponge, man. i don't even realize how much she picks up until she says stuff like that! definitely made a mental note to pray for patience after that.

1 comment:

  1. Loved getting to talk to you and the babies today, can’t wait to see you all again in a few weeks. I guess I may have to rent myself a unicorn costume. I can’t have my girl being disappointed.😂
