Monday, August 27, 2018

nothing much new to report over here, but i thought i'd check in.
i'm currently in bed, with laptop, watching double dare on tv. i didn't even realize this show made a comeback. i'm about 2 minutes in and i'm kinda disappointed.... where is marc summers? where is the giant ear with ear wax? i miss the early 90's. ***revisiting to say, "THERE'S MARC! ok, this isn't as bad as i thought."

presley starts "ultra" at church this wednesday evening! it's a fun thing at our church is doing for the kids (ages 3+), they will learn bible lessons and do fun activities. they had a kickoff event last wednesday night with a HUGE bounce house obstacle course, cotton candy, popcorn, sno cones, face painting....
presley was in heaven. she got some cotton candy, and after she ate that, we didn't see her for an hour. she went through the bounce house over and over and over. eli ate a whole bag of popcorn. i didn't even realize he liked popcorn. ha. it was a really fun night. i love watching my babies have fun.

i mostly opened this blog to give you some more presley-isms. they're piling up over here.

at her school, there is a ramp you walk down to go inside. it's a pretty long ramp, and there is an iron fence on one side with a handrail. every day, and i mean EVERY DAY, she touches the hand rail and says, "this is for grandma's, so they don't fall."

one thing i really love about her school is that they provide breakfast, lunch, and snack. at home she eats like 4 things, so i really love that she is trying new things (vegetables!). last week they had lasagna for lunch one day. i asked her if she liked it and she told me she LOVED LASAGNA and asked if i would make it for her. so guess what i made for dinner tonight? while she was eating it she pulled out a noodle and said, "i don't like this. this wasn't in my school lasagna." i told her that there were definitely noodles in her lasagna at school, but that she couldn't have any bread until she ate all her lasagna. then she said, "i'm frustrated...i'm really disappointed." randy and i were really trying to keep straight faces, but then she said, "mommy, i'm just jealous." HAHA WHAT?!? randy was like, "ok, now you're just saying words, you don't even know what you're talking about." and i was like, "i love lamp?'

this one is from awhile back, but there is a commercial that comes on during the day about wrinkle cream. i wasn't paying attention to it, but she sure was. "mommy you need that for your frinkles." frinkles, huh? well, ok. thanks, girl. but she made it up to me by telling me that she loved my "memaws". let me translate that from presley to english... moles. memaw=mole.

lastly, she's been 4 for a week. literally, 8 days. and every day. every single day. yall, every day, she asks "when am i gonna be a teenager?" someone send help. am i gonna survive?

and as for my sweet second child... he's just as silly and sweet as ever.
always dirty, always eating, always one shoe off, and, of course, always copies every single thing big sister does... really, am i gonna survive?

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