Tuesday, August 7, 2018

so this weekend was fun...we finally WENT somewhere we've been wanting to go!

last week randy told me the astros were playing the dodgers in LA, and he was thinking we should go see them play, and get a hotel room in LA for the night. umm YES! so after thinking it over, we decided a day game would be best for the kids sake, and bought tickets for sunday. we also decided we would spend saturday afternoon in santa monica at the pier and beach and stay the night there instead!

we left for santa monica around 11 on saturday, and it was smooth sailing until we got to LA, which is typical. we finally made it to santa monica beach, and it took FOREVER to find a place to park and figure out what in the world we were doing. we finally made it to a parking garage probably around 2:45. we made it to santa monica pier and i immediately felt like turning around and leaving. there were just soooooooooooo.many.people. and the kids were in bad moods because they were hungry. so we ended up eating at bubba gumps.

anyway, after lunch(which ended up being our dinner), we got presley a cotton candy and high-tailed it outta that place. we might try to go back this fall on a weekday in hopes that it wont be so crazy. i just hate crowds. hate hate hate.

our hotel was nice, and eli had no problem going straight to sleep in his pack n play. presley on the other hand stayed up until after 9 and woke us all up at 6am sunday morning.

the astros game was both kids first sporting event ever! they did OK... we made it three whole innings! presley ate an entire dodger dog, and eli dropped his sippy cup at least 12 times into the row in front of us (i'm sure they all hi-fived when we left).

we made it home safely and have just been spending this week getting ready for our guests coming this weekend!
monday was full of errands and our to-do list was long. our first stop was target, followed by dollar tree, michaels, and finally, walmart. we got to target and headed straight for the handsoap....
annnnd then it got interesting.
so picture this... i took the stroller in, because we didn't have a lot to get and presley can stand on the scooter board on the back instead of sitting. eli sits in the front, facing out, so i can't really see him while i'm pushing. while on the handsoap aisle, presley (my tiny teenager) thinks she needs to smell every bottle, which, ok, isn't really smelling them, just sniffing the plastic and saying it smells like whatever is on the outside of the bottle--"mommy this smells so good, like pear! mommy this one smells like fish! mommy this one smells like water! eli smell this! eli smell this!". i had to tell her about 38 times to put the soap back and stop giving it to her brother. annnnyway, i finally get my handsoap and we grab a few other things, and make our final stop on the birthday card aisle. we take our time here, presley loves to pick up cards and "read" them. about 10 minutes later i find the card i want, and go to put it in the stroller and that's when i see it. i had to double take, honestly.
are you still picturing this? good. picture my sweet precious son...covered.in.handsoap.
somehow after all that time, he still had a bottle of handsoap and had somehow got it open and got it ALL OVER HIMSELF. and he is just rubbing it in on his legs like lotion. yall, we had to have passed like 10 people, including people who worked there. not one person could give me a "hey, your kid is taking a bath up there." or "you're gonna pay for that soap right?". nope. no one told me. no one even gave me a weird look. so i put the soap on the ground of the birthday card aisle (after i took a pic, duh.) and drove my handsoap scented stroller straight to self checkout. seriously. our FIRST stop and my kid is up to his ears in handsoap. literally. so i take him out to the car and start getting after his legs with baby wipes, only to have it start suds-ing up on me. i finally found a crumpled up burp rag in the bottom of his diaper bag and at least got him less wet.

and i'll end this with some jokes presley told today.

"hey eli, i'm gonna tell you a joke!
what if an o-plaid lived in the water with a boat, and a fork was cutting it? ahahahhahahahahahaha"

"i'm gonna tell you another one.
what do lips go on red foxes? ahahahahahhaahahahahah isn't that funny eli?"

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