Wednesday, August 15, 2018

**warning! : i'm officially in the FUNK.

if you have been reading or if you know me at all, you know the funk.
my parents and sister and her kids left yesterday afternoon and my house is just so quiet. 

the whole crew got here on thursday afternoon, and we got lots of quality time together which made for some pretty great memories.

friday we celebrated our sweet girl's 4th birthday with a unicorn party! everyone headed down to the pool and splashpad while i stayed back and got the decorations and party set up. i ordered a HUGE 30in pizza, made rainbow cupcakes, and, of course, dippin dots!

presley got lots of american girl doll accessories, lots of unicorn stuff, and other fun toys. she didn't stop smiling the whole day!

her real birthday is in FOUR days....and i'll probably cry all day. ha.

saturday we woke up and headed straight for murray family farms. it was stone fruit season, so we picked peaches, nectarines, and everyone's new favorite fruit--the pluot! it was HOT, but so fun. we pretty much had the place to ourselves, so that made it even better. we are already planning our next trip for october and hoping steph and the kids will come back and go with us!

after all that fun, we dropped all the kids, randy, and my dad off at home and my mom, sister, and i headed for the outlets. i loved every minute of that trip... we needed some big girl time! while we were gone, dad cooked gumbo (best dad everrrr!). it was the perfect ending to a perfect day! 

sunday morning, dad, steph, randy, and i went for breakfast at 24th st cafe. mom stayed back with the kids like the saint she is! don't worry, we brought her back some crepes. it was amazing, just like the first time...and i will glady go back again, and again. the rest of the day was spent lounging around. sunday night we played heads up until we laughed so hard, we cried. jayden also taught me how to floss and shoot. and yes, there are videos, and no, you won't see them until my funeral. 

monday was a big day for us! presley started PRE-K!!!

she didn't look back when we dropped her off, and she didn't want to leave when i went to pick her up. she was BEYOND tired (during nap time she "rested with her eyes open"). i tried to ask her how her day was, but she said, "i can't tell you because then it'll make me tired." but she loved it, and was excited to go back again today.

monday night we went back to moo creamery for dinner. i'm just gonna go ahead and put this on the official record by saying THIS IS MY NUMBER ONE FAVORITE HAMBURGER I'VE EVER HAD. and if you know me, you know i'm very plain and eat only ketchup (and lettuce and cheese) on my burger... so it's not some crazy over the top's the MEAT. it just melts and now i'm craving it again. ugh. randy and dad had bacon love ice cream, and mom had coffee toffee and they all loved it. i had my plain jane vanilla with hot fudge sauce.... and it was everything.

yesterday was rough watching them leave. i cried, and i sulked, and all the crying and sulking has continued on today. and will probably continue on for the rest of the week, because i just can't shake the sadness very easily. (sorry, randy.)

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