Wednesday, October 24, 2018

hello from (still) sunny and wayyyy too hot for october, california!

seriously, i'm getting heat stroke just thinking about going outside.
we are taking family pictures on long sleeves. and it's going to be like 88 degrees. so basically we are going to melt. help me.

so a few weeks ago, when randy was out of town and my mom was in town, i was taking some trash and recycling out into the garage and I SAW A MOUSE. it was alive. and it was running.
i don't do bugs, snakes, or rodents. nope nope nope. i was this close to setting the house on fire and starting over.... but instead i bought bait stations. because RANDY told me to buy bait stations.
"but won't they die in our garage?"
"no, the eat the bait and get dehydrated and then go outside to look for water, they won't die in our garage."
but, SPOILER ALERT. i have FOUND TWO DEAD MICE IN MY GARAGE since then. and there are probably more that i haven't seen, you know, dead. behind boxes... like my christmas decorations that will be coming into the house in a few days....RANDY.

speaking of christmas decorations. jk. i don't really have anything to say about christmas decorations. just a gentle reminder that HALLMARK CHRISTMAS MOVIES START THIS WEEKEND.
and if you are on my level of excitement, then you already know the first new movie is called, "christmas at pemberley manor." PEMBERLEY MANOR. what?! do you know that i live on PEMBERLEY passage avenue? so basically, i have renamed my house "pemberley manor" because i can, and shall be calling it that henceforth and forevermore.

i have a really hard time thinking of gifts i might want for christmas... or my birthday that falls 5 days before christmas. usually because i don't want extravagant things, and for the small things i want, i usually just pick up at walmart on one of my multiple trips a week.
BUT, the other day i saw a commercial for a roomba vacuum that not only vacuums your house, but EMPTIES IT'S OWN CANNISTER. so basically when it docks, the dock just sucks up the cannister and you don't have to worry about a full cannister all the time. first of all, i have dreamed of having a robot vacuum for a LONG time. but honestly i really wanted to wait until they were at the top of their game, and wouldn't get stuck in the rug under the kitchen table or lost under the couch. and folks, i think we are THERE. so i got excited, thinking this might be THE birthday/christmas present i could actually ask for this year. and then all my hopes and dreams were murdered... by the $1k price tag. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. for a vacuum. can i just say, that get it? because a ok so thanks, but no thanks roomba. hard pass on the thousand dollar robot vacuum. call me when it'll do my dishes. i'd pay $1k for that.

anyway. that's about all i've got today.
signing off, from pemberley manor.

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