Tuesday, October 9, 2018

i figured i'd hop on and give a little recap of the last 3 weeks of our crazy life.

i actually turned on my computer so i could google how to get a 4 year old to stop saying the word poop every 3.5 seconds. yes, real life. a pretty little girl should not be talking about poop as much as this particular little one who happens to live in my house. ugh. is that normal? i'd expect a 4 year old eli to think poop was funny.... but my prissy girly girl? not cute.

my parents graciously came to bakersfield 3 weeks ago to watch the babies so that randy and i could go to a work thing he had in napa. we loved every minute of our trip (side note-we haven't had alone time in MONTHS.... to say this mommy/daddy only trip was MUCH NEEDED would be a tremendous understatement). we also spent some time in san francisco, so fun! 

when we got back from our trip, my parents took a few days and went to napa and san francisco as well. when they got back my dad had to go back to houston (he needed to mow, haha!), and randy had to fly off to north carolina for a different work thing for a WEEK. so my mom stayed with me and the kids, and it was basically the best week ever. she got some special time with the babies and i got some special time with her. i will never NOT need my parents... idk what they ever did to make me so obsessed with them, but i hope my kids love me this much one day. 

mom left last saturday morning and a few hours later, my sister and her kids arrived just about the same time randy got home! it was a GOOD day! 
we had so much fun with them the past few days... going back to the farm, just hanging out on the couch, and, of course, a full day of hair cuts (me, pres, and eli!) and color (for me!). her kids are just growing up so fast, so the fact that they still want to play with my babies and love on ME just makes me so happy.

anyway, i'm gonna go cry for a day or two.... i'm sure you're all used to this by now.

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