Tuesday, October 16, 2018

not too much new to report here! it's still blazing in bakersfield. ugh. i checked the forecast yesterday morning and saw there was a rain cloud NEXT TUESDAY!! the last time there was a rain cloud on the forecast was when my mom was in town, and it NEVER HAPPENED. so i was trying not to get my hopes up... and then i checked again yesterday afternoon and the rain cloud was already gone. WHAT?! how does that even happen? my little rain cloud turned into a sun, and that is the saddest thing ever. 

sunday after church we went to lunch with our small group to celebrate someone's birthday. we ended up sitting across the table from some friends, and presley started talking about holly. "she's my sister and she's two..." our friend looked at randy really confused, like what am i missing here? is there another child? randy had to let him know that holly wasn't REAL. he kept asking presley questions about holly, and she answered them with zero hesitation. 
does holly like waffles?- "no she likes pancakes. with no syrup."
does holly like strawberries?- "no. she likes apples."
where is holly from?- "like, all the places."
i learn something new about holly everyday, it seems. the other day when we were driving to school, i asked where holly was, and presley let me know she was sitting on my lap while i was driving. uhhh, ok. should i be worried that holly is into breaking laws? 

i've been working on starting to plan eli's birthday party for when we are in houston. it's car/truck/tractor theme, surprise surprise. we cannot even walk into a parking lot without eli pointing out every single car he sees. "car! truck! car! car! car! truck!". he tries to say excavator, but it sounds like rootbeer. idk. we went to the park a couple days ago and they were clearing some land nearby to build more homes, so there was some equipment parked in the lots. he spent half the time we were at the park pointing and shouting "tractor!" over and over and over. safe to say we are going to be visiting pawpaw's office to see all the big toys when we get to houston.

eli is really starting to get chatty. a lady working the nursery at work told me his vocabulary is really good, and that he was talking to her in sentences. i feel like presley was putting words together at like 6 weeks old (ok, maybe not that early, ha!), but i really try not to compare them. he told me a couple days ago while he was eating, "this is good mommy!" he is also picking up songs from the radio, and i'd say he's definitely a toby mac fan (or maybe he doesn't have a choice!).

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