Thursday, October 11, 2018

well it still doesn't feel like fall, but i've decorated outside anyway. i just want to stop seeing 85+ degree days on my forecast. pleeeease.🙏🏼

i don't decorate the inside of my house for fall, because as soon as i put it up, i'd be taking it down. christmas decorations start going up as soon as hallmark christmas movies start which is OCTOBER 26!!! so the outside might be looking like fall, but inside will be christmastown in t-minus 15 days!!!!

i can't believe i haven't posted about presley starting dance! she started at the beginning of september, and she is absolutely the cutest ballerina i have EVER seen. 😍

speaking of presley, i've got a couple presley-isms to brighten your week.

"since i'm four, can i call you BB now? or how about beeb? i call my teachers 'teach'!"
she def doesn't call her teachers "teach", in case you were wondering. 🙄

"in california it's presley's world. everyone is in presley's world, right? say right."
i guess she's heard me mutter "i guess it's presleys world and we all just live in it" under my breath a few times. 😂

eli doesn't really have any "eli-isms" yet, per say. but here's what he's been spouting off lately...
"BOP!" - stop. he tells me this 800 times a day, usually when i'm wiping his face or trying to change his diaper.
"ENOUGH!" - goes hand-in-hand with "bop".
he is very very VERY into cars, trucks, tractors, dump trucks....basically anything with wheels, and is never without a car in one hand. even at the dinner table.

i've got one more "ism" for you... and it's brought to you by my dad.
if you're curious, you can ask him about it... unless you're the harris county commissioner of precinct 1-rodney ellis , then you've already gotten the message(s) and you know why he's so mad.😂😂

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