Tuesday, November 20, 2018

the good news...!

the bad news...
we brought everyone the worst thanksgiving gift of all time.
ROTOVIRUS... or NOROVIRUS. (at least i’m pretty sure that’s what it is based on the symptoms i googled.)

i wish this was a joke. i really do.

eli randomly puked on friday afternoon for the first time in his life. at that moment i was hoping it was a fluke and something he ate just didn’t agree with his belly. but alas, more puke came later that night and i prayed with all my heart that he would be ok in time for us to leave for houston the next morning. well, God listened and he was fine by morning and so was everyone else! YES! so we made the 2 hour drive to LAX, got on our plane, and everything was just going eerily perfect.

annnnd then presley told me her belly was hurting. so we went to the potty and she told me that she was fine and her belly didn’t hurt anymore. in the meantime, my stomach started feeling not so great, but i was more focused on the kids. presley ended up falling asleep on me, which made me feel a little better. until it made everything worse.
the pilot came over the speaker to say we were in our descent into houston and to keep those seatbelts fastened. minutes later presley just starts SPEWING. vomit is everywhere. on every inch of her, her i-pad, her headphones, her shoes, her seat... i’m catching it in my hands and it’s just overflowing. i’m yelling at randy “NAPKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!”, “TRASHBAG!!!!!!”, “MORE NAPKINS”, “ANOTHER TRASHBAG!!”. at the same time i’m trying to handle this literal and figurative mess, presley is SCREAMING. eli is standing in his seat trying to crawl over to see what’s going on. i switched on my supermom mode and wipes started flying and clothes were coming off (presley, not me 😂).
of course i brought an extra change of clothes for ELI... he was the one who’d been sick. so of course, you know. so when i told the naked child next to me she was going to have to put on her brother’s 2 sizes too small pants, i’d say she wasn’t very happy judging by the screams and tears.
but we somehow made it off the plane, with absolutely zero help or concern from any flight attendant. (i left them a bag of vomit covered napkins to say thanks 😐).
presley vomited again in my moms car on the way home, and as soon as we got there, it was my turn.

i am gonna spare all the other details because i feel like i’ve been maybe too forthcoming with the nasty parts. BUT as of right now, RANDY is the only one who’s been spared. yep, mom and dad are both currently sick.

ugh. let’s hope the rest of this thanksgiving week starts looking up, because i’m pretty sure that’s the only way we can go from down here. 🤦🏼‍♀️

UPDATE: jayden and bryleigh (my nephew and niece) have officially got it.

2nd UPDATE: now my father in law has it.

3rd UPDATE: now my bonus father in law has it.

stomach bug.... the gift that keeps on giving. literally.

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