Friday, December 7, 2018

hello again!

so wild that we are already a week into december. why this month always seems to fly by at hyper speed, i will just never quite understand. give me a year of decembers, PLEASE!

anyway. let's talk about christmas traditions. i really need some for my little family. particularly some with ZERO ELF INVOLVEMENT. i'm not knocking you elf-on-the-shelfers, but i.just.can' it.
two years ago while perusing pinterest i found a pin for salt dough and made some homemade christmas ornaments. i cut out different shapes with cookie cutters and let presley paint them. i also got one with her handprint, and since he was just a tiny little thing, eli got a footprint.*

*side note--why do baby books have a place for hand prints?
foot prints? totally understandable. ink foot, stamp paper, done, cute. easy.
hand prints? have you ever even pictured this situation? try it. try just imagining what might happen. first of all, good luck unfisting that NEWBORN hand. second of all, maybe you're thinking, oh, well newborns sleep a lot, i could just do it when they are asleep. ok, well i'm not trying to wake up a sleeping newborn, so if you want to take those odds, then i guess you probably have handprints in your child's baby book.

idk where that came from, but you're welcome.

anyway, last year, since we were selling the house and showing the house and all that really UNFUN  stuff, we didn't decorate for christmas or do any fun things in our house. but this year i brought back the salt dough and presley declared it "the best day ever!". she was so excited to put on her "print", or what you and i call an apron, and paint. i got handprints for both kids and call me crazy, but i'm just really excited to overload my christmas tree with these special ornaments as the years go by.

so, in summary, salt dough is my only tradition. HELP.

not much else going on, the weather has been AMAZIIIIING. in my opinion, anyway. overcast, drizzly rain, you know, the good stuff. the best part of the rain is that it clears all the nasty stuff out of the air and you can actually see the mountains!

and you're not gonna believe this, but there's a mountain so close to us, i can just reach out and touch it. i believe we are going to call it mount laundry, and i have several news outlets reaching wanting to interview me about this "miracle". apparently it's the fastest forming range in california growing at record speeds and currently overtaking the entire second floor of my house. so, sorry, i must run. going to scale that beast!