Thursday, December 13, 2018

i've been putting it off for awhile, but today i finally just went for it... i took the kids to see santa.

if you've been around awhile, or you got our christmas card last year, you know that eli hasn't been santa's biggest fan...or the easter bunny, or any disney character (even the princesses.) for that matter. brother just doesn't do characters.
presley, on the other hand, total pro. she smiles on cue. gives hugs, high fives, talks. today santa asked what her favorite cookies were and she squealed, "rainbow ones!". he asked her to leave some for him on christmas eve and she promised him she would. and she has reminded me 82+ times today that we have to make rainbow cookies for santa. thanks old man. he also asked her what she wanted for christmas... "a baby! a baby alive! that pees." of course.

what did eli ask for?
well. i'll let you decipher that.

pretty sure all eli wants for christmas is to NEVER SEE SANTA AGAIN.
poor guy. but don't feel sorry for him. he was on santas lap for approx 40 seconds, "smile!" click. done. one take. then he got down and acted like nothing ever happened.

aren't those jammies presh? randy told me that one day eli is going to be really upset with me for making him wear those. really RANDY? i could have put him in so much worse. like the elf costume the kid in front of us had on. 

presley is such a sweet big sister, though. before we left she told eli there was nothing to worry about and that she would hold his hand the whole time. she told eli, "if you're scared, just talk to jesus. he will make you not scared anymore." MELT MY HEART. seriously i almost cried. sometimes when presley is fighting me to go to sleep at night, she'll tell me she's scared of the dark. and every single time i tell her, "if you're ever scared, just talk to jesus... he will make you feel safe." i mean, she never heeds my advice, but at least i know she's listening!

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