Monday, January 7, 2019

coming to you live from pemberley manor (i cant stop wont stop hallmark)... that's right, we made it back to the golden state friday afternoon, after two glorious weeks in h-town.

first, a few things.

1. to everysingleperson we didn't get to see while we were in texas (basically everyone besides our families, and the people who work at whataburger on the beltway), I AM SO SORRY. i have really good intentions coming into these trips. it's not that i don't want to see my friends (please don't stop being my friends!), it's just so hard to take time away from the family we get to see less than a handful of times a year. so... really i'm sorry, but also, you're welcome? because we all got nasty colds and my parents house was basically a breeding ground for flu-like symptoms. for real, i'm failing at being a friend lately, please don't give up on me.

2. thank you for all the christmas cards! i love seeing so many sweet faces in our mailbox. in case you didn't know, i save every christmas card we get. when i take down christmas decorations i bind all the cards we received for the season (and our own card!), and when i decorate for christmas the next year i have a coffee table full of books of christmas cards past! it's so fun to look back and see how families have grown

so we've been back for 3 days and everything is a mess. my house, my life... everything.
presley should be back at school today, but instead we were at the doctor's office as soon as they opened to be given a diagnosis of PNEUMONIA. my baby girl is so sick. she also has the beginning of an ear infection on top of that... so everytime she coughs(which is literally NONSTOP), it hurts her ear. she is currently resting--by choice, which, if you know her, is very very out of character for my child that never stops moving. it breaks my heart to see her so down. please pray for a quick recovery for our presley girl.

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