Thursday, January 31, 2019

i did something tonight that i can't stop thinking about. it was something that absolutely had to be done, and right now i'm feeling just terrible about it. 

backstory first. 
eli had a dentist appointment on monday afternoon, only his second appointment ever. the dentist said his teeth looked great, BUT, her words--"i can tell he really loves his paci." ugh. eli is such a good baby. (toddler, whatever. always my baby. and i'll call him baby out loud until he's 10, and even then i'll just try to keep it under my breath.) annnnyway. he is so good. he has ONE thing. his paci. and you know what???? he ONLY takes it when he sleeps. that's it! he doesn't use it AT ALL during the day. it's his THING at night. his comfort. i knew we'd have to lose it at some point, but honestly i wasn't ready. what was it hurting? well apparently it's gonna start hurting his permanent teeth if we don't get rid of it before he's 3. so whatever. we still have like 10ish months before he's 3. but then i started worrying about his future orthodontia. and then before i knew it...i was cutting the tip off his paci. and i'm immediately regretting it. i feel so terrible. he was so confused. my heart is breaking just thinking about him in his bed sucking on a cut paci. he didn't cry or anything... he just kinda looked at it and put it in and out of his mouth. i told him it was broken, but he still wanted it. now i just have to cut a little more off every night until he doesn't want it anymore. and that's just ONE MORE THING to make him more grown up. taking the baby away from my baby. now i'm crying. motherhood is hard. even when it's over silly ridiculous things like this. 

he really is getting so big and his vocabulary is just exploding. and i just get more obsessed with him everyday, and i don't even know how that's possible.

he is still only all about cars and trucks and tractors and excavators, and basically anything with a motor, including airplanes. randy took him to see monster trucks last weekend, and he was IN LOVE. he sat so attentively and when he got home he said, "it was loud!"

he is also very very into blippi. if you don't know about blippi, i'm jealous. jkkkk... he really isn't that bad. he does lots of educational stuff and he keeps my kids entertained with his songs and silly dancing.

by the way, randy thinks that blippi doll is the creepiest thing ever. 

speaking of RANDY... he recently gave me the best gift ever... i mean, besides my kids, obviously. 
it's something i've been asking him for, for YEARS. anniversaries, birthdays, mothers day, flag day, you name it... i'd beg him for this ONE THING. and he'd flat out tell me no. and it's not that it cost too much money... because its FREE. it was because it was "uncomfortable and itchy." 
before your mind goes somewhere wild... i'll go ahead and let the cat out of the bag (can i still say that phrase, PETA?)... RANDY GREW A BEARD!!! yall. i have been beggggggging him to grow some facial hair for years and years.... and years. and he'd tease me with three day fuzz once or twice a year. then he'd complain that his face was itchy and shave it all off again. but something got into him and he finally grew it out. and he looks SO GOOD. i wish i had a picture to show, but i keep forgetting to sneak one. i'll try to post one soon. that handsome face needs to be seen. whew.

alright, well i'll leave you with one last pic of BOTH my babies. can't believe tomorrow is already FEBRUARY!

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