Saturday, February 2, 2019

here's how my morning is going.
i woke up to the sound of the appliances beeping and clicking, and the sudden quietness that follows a power outage. that means sound machines turning off, and kids waking up. it wasn't early... we actually slept in until 7:40ish, but we probably could have had a little more time. but, of course, the headache i had since yesterday afternoon was still lingering (and still is). 

yesterday was rough.
presley woke up feeling kinda crummy...runny nose and low grade fever. i actually had to wake her up, which is really unusual. she was fussy and wouldn't stop crying, so i decided we should probably NOT send her to school. what can i say, as much as i needed a break from all that mess, i also want her teachers to like me. 
after a dose of cold medicine and tylenol, she was back to normal and completely and literally out of control. i'm not sure what got into her, but it was BAD. not listening, talking back, name it. 
poor randy. we don't talk (text) much throughout the day because he's usually very busy at work. so he had no idea what he was walking into when he got home last night. and bless his sweet heart, of all days... he randomly showed up with surprises for the kids(and i'm all like, where's mine? and he's all like "i'm your surprise". and i'm all like, *eyeroll*, and he's all like, "rude.")-- a matchbox car for eli and a blindbag cupcake for presley. needless to say, presley didn't get her surprise because her attitude was on the highest level imaginable... and then being the meanest mom ever, i took her tablet away too.
also, an update on paci-gate. 
ugh. he cried himself to sleep for naptime yesterday and again last night. and i hate myself more than i can even explain. my parent's are like, "you have to do it, just be strong". and my sister's all, "give it back! his teeth are gonna be messed up regardless!" she's so supportive.

so yesterday was a bust. and today started off ugly, too. BUT. but. BUT..... the power finally came back after about 45 minutes. also, (of course) i put hallmark channel on for background noise to write this blog, and heard the GREATEST NEWS EVERRRR--they are going to play a christmas movie EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT for the rest of the year! so consider my friday nights spoken for (as if i ever do anything besides watch hallmark channel on friday nights, anyway.) AND it's my favorite weather ever--rainy, cool, overcast--which is a rarity in bakersfield, so i'm here for it.
oh! AND! i snuck a picture of randy's new beard!

so, consider this day turned around. byeeeeee!

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