Sunday, February 17, 2019

well hello!

lots of good stuff has been going on over the past couple weeks and i finally have a minute to sit down and share, so here goes!

first, and foremost... the biggest news.
our grass is GREEN again. whoa, right? i'd say it's cause of all the rain we've been having, but i'd be lying.
we have a dirty little secret over here at pemberley manor, and it's called grass paint.
apparently you're supposed to "winter seed" or some similar nonsense over here in the california area. and apparently my yard man (RANDY) didn't get the memo. but he turned our ugly brown lawn (i say lawn, it's more like a patch) into green goodness.

crazy, right? he said he needs to, "work on the formula to get the perfect shade of green." 
and i was like, "do whatever you have to do, just keep looking that good while you're doing it." but really, look how cute he is. i've said it before, and i'll say it again... i have a crush on my yard guy.

speaking of rain, the other morning randy MADE ME GET OUT OF BED TO LOOK AT A RAINBOW. i was like, "rainbows are great and all, but sleep is even better." BUT i got up and went outside in my pajamas to look at the "coolest rainbow ever". 

so it was actually a double rainbow, and the bottom one was SO vibrant and clear, and it probably was the coolest rainbow i'd ever seen. so i ended up forgiving him for making me go outside looking like a hobo at 7am.

anyyyyway. valentine's day happened!
mom served up pink heart pancakes for breakfast, we went to presley's class party, and had heart shaped pasta for dinner! i also made a heart shaped cake, chocolate dipped strawberries, and strawberry shortcake. randy brought home roses and a sweet card (my fav! words of affirmation is my love language!) for me, a car for eli, and a balloon and a movie for presley (his valentine tradition is to buy her a disney princess movie!). 

i left friday to go to a women's conference in roseville with some amazing ladies from church. it was an INCREDIBLE weekend and so refreshing and restoring to my soul. i had no idea i needed this weekend so badly, but boy did i. God was really moving and using the speakers and worship team to speak straight to my heart.

 i was so anxious to leave randy and the babies, and honestly i expected a million "help!" texts but never even got one! randy told me when i got home that there was only one instance that presley said, "call mom"... and that it happened this morning before church. apparently eli found my makeup and had drawn on himself with eyeliner. presley came in and saw what happened and told randy, "ok, call mom." but randy handled it. he managed to get the kids and himself ready and not only made it to church, but also sunday school!
he told me that presley's outfit was a "group effort". i was expecting much worse, and presley looks so happy. randy killed it this weekend... he supported and encouraged me to go away for two nights and everytime we texted he reassured me everything was going great at home and to have fun. i just love him.

but the icing on the cake of this fun week was the birth of my NEWEST niece CAMILA!
she was born on february 12, and she is what you'd call perfection. we have already facetimed(and i cried the whole time) and she confirmed that i am her favorite aunt even though i won't be able to snuggle her in real life until JUNE. she has a dimple in one cheek and lots of dark brown hair and i'm just in love with this angel!

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