Thursday, March 7, 2019

my parents left bakersfield a mere 25 hours ago, and i am SAD.
they were here for a week and it was the best lazy week ever.

we did a lot of nothing, a lot of eating at our favorite places, and played a lot of games with alexa. if you aren't taking advantage of alexa's games, try "alexa, play feel the pressure" or "alexa, play song quiz". those are my two new favorites. we also play "animal workout" which presley thinks is THE funnest thing ever. even though we didn't do much outside the house (it rained a lot!), having my parents here was everything i love... and my babies got SO MUCH lovin. it really was a perfect week.

my sister is coming at the end of the month, and i'm counting down the days! having family here is my favorite favorite favorite thing.

anyway, a few little updates.

ELI IS OFF THE PACI. like, completely. and has been for a couple weeks!
i kept cutting a little off, and when it was too short to keep in, i just threw it away. he hasn't even asked about it. SUCCESS. now let's pray that potty training comes that easy. (not even attempting until JULY.)

i got presley registered for KINDERGARTEN. it was a very outdated and arduous process. lots of writing my address over and over and over. you'd think living in fancy california with all the tree huggers, paperless processes would be the norm. but not in bakersfield! the folder they handed me to fill out was a full inch thick and repetative as all get out. but it's done and that is SUCH a relief.

1 comment:

  1. I’m counting the days too! Can’t wait to love on y’all.
