Monday, April 22, 2019

easter 2019!

i'm in one of those post-holiday funks again.
and honestly, i should be GLAD that it's over because it was rough.

our easter weekend was supposed to start off with a cookie decorating class for me and presley with some of our friends, and then dying easter eggs at their house afterwards. except when i went to get her dressed for the class she was burning up. i took her temp, it was over 101. so instead of going to the cookie class we went to the doctor to be given a STREP diagnosis. i was heartbroken. i knew immediately she would have to miss both the church, and our neighborhood's easter egg parties the next day.

we've made some pretty great friends here, but we've also made some family.
after bailing on the holmgrens because of strep, they brought us cookies and egg decorating supplies so we didn't have to miss out.

saturday randy took eli to the church to hunt easter eggs, so presley and i dyed eggs.
eli has a posse at church and they are all teenagers. they are obsessed with him and fuss over him every week. "he's my best friend!" "eli give me a hug!" it's hilarious. they were so sweet to help randy out at the easter egg hunt!

dying eggs was fun with presley, and of course, she loved it. she also learned how to roll her tongue, and is really proud of herself! daddy can't even do that!

eli came home and shared his eggs with sister, as if he had a choice! 

presley seemed to be doing ok. her fever was around 100 most of the day. the doctor said she wasn't contagious after she'd been taking antibiotics for 24 hours, but that also she needed to be fever free for 24 hours. so we had all intentions of going to church the next morning and i was VERY glad about it. i even ironed all our clothes and got them ready. and then during the night she started getting scary high fevers. at one point it was up to 103. i slept ON THE FLOOR in her room (when i say slept, i mean i layed there in constant prayer that she would feel better.)... she was so uncomfortable she would just cry out for me every few minutes.

needless to say, presley and i didn't get to go to church sunday. but these guys did...

presley was still running high fevers all day, so we basically just layed around and cuddled up.

the holmgrens invited us to have easter lunch at their home, so the boys went over there after church.

after they got home, and the latest dose of tylenol had kicked in, we had a little backyard easter egg hunt, and gave the kids their easter baskets! 
i just couldn't let those matching shirts i bought go to waste, alright?

presley finally broke her fever for good last night, and PRAISE GOD, she hasn't had one today! 
she is getting back to her wild and crazy self, and the sparkle is back in those eyes.

1 comment:

  1. So glad she’s better and so thankful for your friends that help and support y’all!
