Monday, April 15, 2019

so there's really no way to ease into this, so i'm just gonna say it.

presley cut eli's hair.


so randy says, "man, did they just forget the guard or what when they cut eli's hair? they just buzzed him good in that spot. were you watching them when they cut it?"

so eli had a haircut like a WEEK BEFORE this conversation. a perfect haircut. from a legit barber. so my mom instinct immediately knew, without even looking at his hair, who did it.


and before i could even accuse her, presley said, "i did it!" 
lord help me if she didn't look proud and excited about it too. 😂

so the saddest part is that i'm pretty sure eli has ZERO clue that she cut his hair. so he's just walking around sporting a bald spot, poor guy.

but besides presley playing sassy, nothing too crazy going on.

we had our first "pool" day yesterday! we met our fave neighbors down at the pool for what i thought would be a splash pad date. the kids had other plans and stayed in the pool the whole time! last year eli hated his puddle jumper AND was not a fan of the splashpad. this year, he is a big fan of both! i think he saw his buddy lucas wearing a puddle jumper and decided it was cool after all. 
presley is gonna be my swimmer. her happy place is paddling around in the big middle of the giant pool, regardless of where anyone else is. 

i am so excited for the upcoming easter weekend, we have so many fun things planned! 
but most of all, i can't wait for church on sunday to celebrate our risen savior!! 

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