Monday, April 8, 2019

there are some things you just can't do alone.
like seesawing. or putting sunscreen on your back.

or taking two small children to see the easter bunny at the mall.

especially when it is a particular type of torture for one of those children.

that's why my sister has gone with me like every year. (i'm not even gonna count that first year, because i only had the one kid way back then and it was like a breeze and vacation to get out of the house by myself with her because she couldn't even walk yet.)

you didn't think moving to bakersfield california would get in the way of this plan, did you?
of course it didn't. is it my luck or hers that she just happened to visit two years in a row while the easter bunny was in town? muuuahahahahhahha.

seriously. i couldn't have done this without her.

there are two types of kids who visit the easter bunny (or santa. or whatever character at disneyland.), and i have one of each. one is going to have nightmares after this interaction, and the other looks like she is getting paid to be the easter bunny's child model.

how sweet are these? i love that they started taking these before you see the easter bunny!

and this is EVERYTHING! right?!
"the reason i breathe"

so yeah, thank heavens for my sissy cause eli was NOT having she saved the day and swooped them up over to the ride on toys so i could finish paying $234234 for 6 terrible quality print outs of my child scream crying.

the stupidest part of this whole ordeal? we don't even pretend like the easter bunny comes to our house... presley knows that mommy and daddy fill the baskets and hide the eggs. i honestly have no good excuses for doing this to myself or my children. 😂

1 comment:

  1. I love being there for these special creepy moments. I’ve never taken my kids to do this because it makes me feel like Eli looks.😂
