Saturday, April 6, 2019

well HI. it's been a minute, right? we've been BUSY.

sacramento turned out to be a pretty great little trip!
we went up on a saturday... the drive is a little long at 4 hours (we took the 5 which is pretty boring, but beautiful), but we made a stop in kettelmen city for lunch at THE CUTEST place ever called bravo farms. it was part gift shop, part restaurant, part petting zoo, part tree house, part playground, part very clean and lovely bathrooms, and part cheese shop. i was mostly there for the bathrooms and the bbq, but we let the kids run around the playground for a bit too. randy got sneezed on by a llama TWICE. like, hay all over his head and face. 
anyway, we got to sacramento in time for check in, dinner, and bed. i was the lucky winner who got to share a bed with presley. a DOUBLE bed. which, is like, one inch wider than a twin. and it was miserable. she was all over me. meanwhile, randy is sprawled out in the bed next to us snoring. eli is in the other room in his pack n play, just peaceful as can be. i'm hot. i'm sweating. i've got a 4 year old kicking my kidneys. new year, same story.
sunday we woke up and hit up the free breakfast downstairs (parent hack #9329... always stay at embassy suites. free breakfast(GOOD breakfast). free happy hour (i don't even drink, but they have SNACKS. goldfish, chips and salsa, chex mix!) and they are all suites so you basically get two rooms for the price of one.). then we packed up the stroller and walked over to the old town sacramento. idk if it's called old town sacramento but that's what it is, so go with it. 
we had dole whip, we hit up the candy shops, we got a caramel apple for later, we even had the mini donuts i'd been thinking about since last year. basically we ate our way through the streets. 
but the best part was the california state railroad museum! it showed the history of the railroad in california, and had all different types of trains you could actually go into. it was amazing. eli was in HEAVEN.

i wish i'd have taken more pics! btw, we are all wearing UH gear because they were playing in the NCAA tournament that night (they won that game!).
after walking for a few hours around there, we decided to walk to the state capitol building.
it was so beautiful! the sculptures are so intricate and interesting.

the kids were worn out after all that walking. it must be rough riding around in a stroller all day. 😐

that night i suggested to presley that she might like sleeping on the couch that pulls out to make a bed in the room where eli was sleeping. wouldn't you know she was SO HAPPY to sleep there. it was like a dream come true. i slept so good that night.

the next day we drove to fairfield to go to the jelly belly factory! this time randy got to come with us. i'm pretty sure i'm still the only one who had fun, yet again. but whatev.
sorry for the watermarks. it cost like four hundred dollars to buy the stupid pic so i just settled for a screen shot.

eli loved the hat and kept it on forever.

the next day randy had to go to meetings and stuff so the kids and i had a day!
we went to CRACKER BARREL. and it was everything. bako needs a dang cracker barrel. and an heb... but for real. cracker barrel is realistic, right?
i also took the kids back to fairytale land! they had soooo much fun playing and sliding.

when we got back to the hotel, the kids were so tired but it was too late for a nap. presley begged me to take a nap (literally the first time in her life she has ever even asked to take a nap), but i told her no. she tricked me by saying she was going in the other room to watch her tablet. eli just lounged like a grown man.

the next day we headed home... we had to be mindful of the time because randy had to be at church by 5:45. we were making decent time, even after stopping at chickfila on the way home during lunch rush. then presley started screaming that her belly hurt and she really needed to poop. well guess what? once we got out of the sacramento area there is NOTHING and NO WHERE to stop on the 5. so randy's like, "we can stop at this rest stop." and i'm like, "MY CHILD IS NOT POOPING AT A REST STOP." but then she was screaming, like painful screams. so we stopped and i was shocked at how clean the restrooms actually were. presley, however, walked in, took one look at the metal toilet and said, "nope!" but i finally got her sitting down and she just couldn't poop. i told her there was no where else to stop and she said she was feeling better. "i just needed to get out of my carseat."
welllllll then about 20 minutes later she starts screaming again. and then she starts coughing. and then VOMIT. literal vomit. all over her. all over her carseat. all over the back of my chair. and remember, THERE IS NO WHERE TO STOP. so finally 10 miles later theres a gas station. i cleaned her and the car up the best i could with baby wipes. she rode home mostly naked. and i rode home in a constant state of prayer that she was ok and that it wasn't a bug the rest of us were going to catch.
luckily, she was completely fine that night. she even ate dinner. and the rest of us were fine too.
idk if it was car sickness or something she ate, but seriously, PRAISE GOD that it wasn't worse.

my sister got in a couple days after we got back! i LOVED LOVED LOVED having her all to myself for the shortest 4 nights ever. it was another "boring" trip, full of running my errands, getting haircuts, watching tv, and just being together. my kids loved her up and vice versa. i miss her so much, but i am so thankful she chooses to spend her time and hard earned money coming to visit us. she really is the best sissy EVER EVER EVER.
today she sent me a surprise in the mail...
GOLDEN GIRLS SOCKS. is there a more perfect gift for me?( i mean, besides my sofia chia pet, or my golden girls adult coloring book, of course.)😂

i've got more to share, like EASTER BUNNY PICS!, but that'll have to wait.

1 comment:

  1. I miss y’all so much! Can’t wait to see y’all in June!
