Friday, May 10, 2019

grab some snacks and drinks, this is gonna be a long one.

first of all, i completely meant to shout this from the computer rooftops one week ago, but here we are. a week late. 
if eli had more hair, they would legit be twins. same exact smile!

i had all intentions of making a post dedicated to how wonderful and great this guy is, but i just wrote it all in his birthday card instead. (i was also kinda salty because he left on monday to go to orlando on a work trip for a 5 days!)

so randy got back today. this trip just came out of the blue, and his boss really needed him to go. but you should also know that i HATE being home by myself at night. i get really worried someone is going to break in my house or kidnap us or something equally ridiculous. so i was not looking forward to this week AT ALL. i thought at worst, i would just be dealing with my anxiety when the sun went down, and maybe a little exhaustion from being a single mom all week. oooh no. this week KICKED MY BUTT.

first of all, presley got a stomach bug on saturday morning. lovely, right? she wasn't feeling well all day, but sunday she seemed to be totally fine so we went to church and our home group as usual. she even swam in their pool that night! but monday morning around 10:30 presley's school called to tell me she wasn't feeling well. i went and picked her up and she ended up vomiting ALL AFTERNOON. then it started coming out both ends...she literally told me, "i have throw up coming from my hiney!" i know! i know! gross, tmi. 
ughhhhhhhhhhhhh. oh, also, eli had diarrhea for like four days too. 

so add a sick (really the worst kind of sick, tummy bug!) kid to the mix, and this already anxiety filled week just got even more so.

and then on tuesday morning it got even worse. my sister texted a picture that a neighbor had sent of her street completely flooded.... like water already in their driveways, flooded. i immediately called her to see what was going on. i didn't even know it was raining in houston, let alone, flash flooding. when i talked to her she was trying to get into her neighborhood to go let her dog inside. well, fast forward a couple hours and the water started coming into her house. and she got stuck in there. by herself. with no power. the whole day i'm literally on the phone with either her, or my parents trying to get more information. i was worried SICK (also, literally sick with a bad bad cold.). she ended up with 18 inches in her house and wasn't rescued until like 8pm. they pretty much lost everything. obvious things like furniture...but also things you don't really think about, like all her christmas decorations. 

my sister is the one who is always helping everyone else. (side note, she saved up all her tips after hurricane harvey and donated them to some of her customers that were flooded!) she is constantly thinking about what she can do for other people...she is always giving her time, money, and resources out, but rarely asks for help herself. so even though this wouldn't be even close to easy for anyone to deal with, i know she's struggling under that strong and calm exterior because she is having to rely on others for a change. i love my sister so much, and am so proud and blessed that she is mine. it is really killing me to be so far from her during such a crazy and difficult time. i can't wait to see her next month and squeeze her so tight. (also, when we go to texas we are all going to be in the same house for 2 weeks, and i'm kinda excited that she will be forced to hang out with me,

anyway, so after that my week just kinda flew by. i was totally in survival mode, but God got me through it. presley finally went back to school today, and then randy got home and now i have a minute to breathe. my kids are both healthy, we are all under the same roof again, and my sister and her family are safe with my parents... and even though i'm still snotty i finally have peace.