Saturday, July 13, 2019

ok, wow. sorry. 2 months is a long time to go with no life updates, my bad.

it's 7pm, the kids are already asleep, i'm in my jammies, in bed. it kinda feels like vacation!

first thing's first....we are 1 MONTH AND 1 DAY away from the first day of kindergarten. yall just pray for me. i am not ready. 😭

yesterday we visited our second beach in california, santa barbara! (we visited our very first beach, cambria, when my mom was in town in may! it was BEAUTIFUL and the town itself was the cutest!)
anyway, santa barbara did NOT disappoint. how lucky are we that we live 2.5 hours from these beautiful places?! besides the fact that we all got extra crispy, it was the best day. we met our neighbors there and the kids played on the beach for HOURS. it was windy and cool (hence why i forgot about sunscreen for the first half of the day), but so beautiful. presley loved the waves and running around in the water. eli loved playing in the sand. and i loved watching them! we unintentionally brough 18lbs of sand home...and once you see the pics you will understand how. 😂

i think randy would want you to know that he doesn't typically wear cardigans, but he was very cold at lunch and i thought i'd be a gentleman and ask if he wanted to borrow my cardigan and he surprisingly said yes 😂😂

the kids finished up swim lessons on thursday. we took them at CSUB, and the sweetest little college swim team girls taught them. eli hated it the first week and would cry the whole time. by the second week he was fine and happy but didn't learn a thing. ha! he isn't really into swimming.... he's happy to just sit on the steps and play with toys. presley, on the other hand, did great! she got a lot of one on one attention and was able to learn a lot! she is still going to be using her puddle jumper this summer, but i think after another round of lessons next year she will be a pro!

we also had a very fun 4th of july! the night before we drove over to shafter to watch the big fireworks show with our neighbors. (can you tell how much we love our neighbors?!) the next day we went over to our pastors house for bbq and a little bit smaller firework show!


and i'll leave you with this... we got presley's recital pic back and I'M OBSESSED!!

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