Tuesday, August 13, 2019

twas the night before kindergarten

and i am NOT the pinterest mom i thought i'd be.

no books were read about the first day of school. no special "jitter glitter" was placed under her pillow. (but like, who thought of this? you'll be finding glitter in their hair or in their bed for the next 23 years. no thanks.) we just hugged really tight and gave extra kisses.
i reminded her of how special she was and how proud i was of her. i told her that even though mommy and daddy wouldn't be with her at school, she had someone in her heart, ALWAYS--she will never be alone. and she said, "JESUS!" i hope she always remembers that, forever and ever.
when i was leaving her room i hugged her and the tears were flowing(for me, not her!). she sweetly said, "i don't want to let go! i need to give you love for tomorrow!" and my heart broke completely and i let her daddy swoop in so i could go sob in my room.

i'm just struggling with all the feelings. so so so many emotions. happy and excited mixed with sad and scared. tomorrow is going to be hard, like, really hard. but we will all do great and God has great plans for both of us.

i haven't been sleeping well for the last week, because of all of this on my mind... so i took some unisom...two hours ago...and i'm still awake, sooooo....

here's a pic of my girl today at meet the teacher!