Sunday, February 28, 2021

Painting perils

Long time, no blog... and honestly no good reason. except, this.

Hi, it’s me.

Annnyway. I actually did do something productive today. At around 3:30 I decided we should paint the kid’s bathroom. See, we’ve decided to paint our house (well, we plan to paint most of it ourselves and hire painters for the hard parts). The paint they chose when they built this house is literally the worst paint in the history of paint. First, it’s flat. flatter than flat, actually. I’m not sure why they thought painting an entire house in flat, flesh colored paint was a good idea is beyond me. I’m not kidding when I say that if you even look at it wrong, it gets marks on it. So between my kids who, (despite the fact that i tell them 100 billion times a day NOT to do it) color/paint/draw/etc. on the walls, and the fact that a mark will appear if you cough too hard near the ugly flat paint, we NEEDED this. We decided to do start back in December, and it was mostly because our neighbors just finished painting their whole house on their own and it looked SO NICE...and a little because Presley had made Vaseline handprints on her walls not long before. So here we are, we have successfully finished painting ONE WHOLE ROOM!!! We painted Presleys room back in December and have sat on 5 gallons of paint since then, with big hopes and dreams of painting all the other bedrooms and bathrooms since. And here’s the best part...I HATE painting. Loathe it. I immediately regret doing it as soon as i start. So is the kid’s bathroom done? Nope. Of course not. did randy get his part done? Yep. Do i have way more work to do tomorrow. Also yep.

I mostly just want to get all the paint knocked out before my parents come in April....that’s right, MY PARENTS ARE COMING IN APRIL!!! I am just beside myself, I’m so excited! I last got to see and hug my parents last March, when they were here visiting and left early to get home because the pandemic was just starting. I never in my life imagined a time where a year would go by without seeing my family, but here we are... and I’m so thankful that it wasn’t longer. I am really hoping Randy and I can get vaccinated before summer so that we can make a trip to texas and see everyone else... I really really really miss my sister (and not just because i am desperate for a haircut, because i am, but because she’s my bff and i just miss being near her!)

So that’s my update. I mean, yes, a lot has happened since last summer when I last opened this blog, and maybe I’ll get to that next time.

P.s. I am writing this from my new iPad that my sweet loving husband bought me! I have been learning new fun things in Procreate, and also got this nifty case with a built in keyboard/trackpad that makes me want to write more. I didn’t deserve this expensive and fancy machine, and I don’t deserve my husband, but I am so thankful for both! So maybe expect more blogging, fingers crossed I don’t get too busy 😂