Wednesday, June 9, 2021


it's officially SUMMER, and i'm officially feeling all the feelings. what is WRONG WITH ME?!

i have been practically begging for school to be over so i could stop fighting presley over homework. she finally went back to school in march, but only for 2 hours and 45 min 4 days a week. so while it was nice to have a taste of normalcy, she still had to do like HOURS of work at home afterwards. and it sucked. really really sucked. for both of us. she hated it, and i really dont blame her. sitting in front of a computer for hours after already sitting in a classroom just sounds terrible. and so she would get frustrated. and i would get frustrated. and it was like this but now that it's over? i'm sad. i miss our talks on the way and way home from school. we had 10 minutes of alone time to just chat with no interruptions. i loved waving to her as her class waited to walk back to their classroom. i loved seeing all her classmates. i loved waiting for her to walk out each day and her little eyes light up when they caught mine. every single day i'd ask how her day went and every single day she'd say, "it was great!" so while i'm glad to not be nagging her over getting her homework done (for a couple months anyway), i'm just a little sad that she's no longer a first grader! it just really flew by so fast.

and i'm just gonna brag a minute, because i can, and because i need to... but she did get straight A's ALL YEAR! she is also reading over her grade level, and her math skills are over grade level as well. this has absolutely ZERO to do with me (except for maybe my nagging on the homework situation), and everything to do with her angel of a teacher and presley's own responsibility as a student and eagerness to learn. we are just really really proud of her for rocking a weird weird year. KIDS ARE RESILIENT YALL.

anyway, now i'm just counting down the days til we FLY TO HOUSTON!!! my parents came and it was so so sweet, but so so short. so we decided to stay for a couple weeks! i just cannot wait to hug everyone and feel safe doing it. thank you, God, for science and vaccines!!

you'll also be happy to hear that my whole house is painted! well, except the master bath and guest bath, and only because the paint in those rooms is semi gloss and easy to clean. so we decided to just keep them as is and i'm TOTALLY ok with it. i ended up painting eli's room, most of the master, and the downstairs hallway by myself. randy and i teamed up to paint his office, and we hired out the rest. it looks so so so sossososososos much better. i also got new rugs and rearranged things...because i can't not rearrange things.

since i bragged on presley, i'll also give you an eli update. he's the silliest, sweetest, most sensitive little thing. he has a killer attitude that makes me wanna pull my hair out sometimes, but then he just cuddles up to me and is my little sour patch kid. he loves to be anywhere presley is, always has to hug and kiss me before i walk out the door, and isn't afraid to chat with strangers. he starts TK in the fall, and he and presley will be at the new elementary school in our neighborhood. we are really excited, because we've been watching it being built for the last year and it's so close! 

both the kids have been in private swim lessons since the beginning of may, and they are doing so well! it's no surprise to me that presley was able to take her safety test (jumping in with her clothes and shoes on and being able to turn over and float on her back and call for help, then get to the side safely) after like 5 lessons. she's like a little fish. eli isn't quite as far along, but he has come A LONG way. his first couple lessons were full of tears and fear. but he was able to float on his back all by himself today and really looks forward to going to the lessons!

randy is STILL working from home, and will be until august. i am really gonna miss him when he's back in the office... and then the kids will be in school... and then i'm gonna be all alone. i don't know what i'm gonna do with myself and all that free time. maybe my house will finally look clean for more than a day? maybe i'll cook dinner 5 nights a week? maybe i'll go to the gym? maybe i'll take a nap.