Tuesday, May 2, 2023

 well friends (and by friends i definitely just mean my sister, my only reader. hi steph), we are officially (and again, by officially i mean since last june.) back in texas. like moved here. back home-ish.

we have found ourselves in spring, texas. we saw A LOT of houses, in several different neighborhoods, and ended up in one we never even glanced at...and we couldn't be happier. we LOVE our home, we love our neighborhood, our culdesac, our neighbors, the kids new school, our new church, etc etc etc. God really said (once again, because i suck at it), "trust me." 

so we are here, and we are happy. i know i already said that, but it's true! randy just got his office all situated like we've been planning and hoping to do since our very first house, with built-ins and all the things... and it's amazing. of course, that wasn't smooth sailing, but i'm trying to forget all the trauma from it and just focus on how awesome it is. 

speaking of RANDY... he turns 39 tomorrow. 39. i swear he just turned 25, like, last week and we were at a crawfish boil at his dad's shop and i bought him a whole cheesecake from the factory and some fossil sunglasses, all on my minimum wage. probably took my whole paycheck. you're welcome, randy.
now he doesn't want me to buy him anything for his birthday...something about he'd rather save the money since it's coming from his own account or something ridiculous like that.

kids are good... they're both living on antibiotics. i wish i was kidding. presley has been on every single different kind available for the past month because ear infections, strep throat, ear infections, strep, and so on and so on. eli is more of the same, except this last round of strep was really bad... fever for four days, vomit, general malaise. so he was out of school for four days last week and finally went back yesterday... only to wake up this morning at 3:45 saying "i threw up on both sides of my bed, where do i sleep now?" so cool. so fun. love doing emergency laundry in the wee hours. i kept them both home from school today and they're fine now. it's back to school tomorrow and i'm putting it out there that they will NOT MISS ANYMORE DAYS THIS SCHOOL YEAR. it's only 4 weeks. we can do it. we must do it. my mental state can't handle anything else.

i'm tired. 

sister, you're welcome for the update of everything you already know. 
